To this end, the database is focused on each specific atomic interface rather than on the separated binding partners. Therefore, each entry in this database consists of a single and independent protein-DNA interface. We hope that PDIdb will be useful to many researchers working in fields such...
Crystal Structure of the DNA-Binding Domain of the Epstein–Barr Virus Origin-Binding Protein, EBNA1, Bound to DNA The Epstein–Barr virus nuclear antigen 1 (EBNA1) protein binds to and activates DNA replication from oriP, the latent origin of DNA replication in Epstein–Barr virus. The crys...
DNA-binding protein is a special kind of protein. It can interact with DNA, play an important role in various gene-related life activities, and is closely related to many diseases. Therefore, it is of great significance to study the identification methods of DNA-binding proteins. However, trad...
例如:大肠杆菌 DNA 与几种 DNA结合蛋白(DNA-binding protein) 相结合。这些 DNA 结合蛋白很小,但在细胞内数量很多, …|基于7个网页 2. 连接蛋白质 噬菌体 ΦA3 带有 CI、Cro,已找出与 DNA 结合的 helix-turn-helix 保留区域,这两个蛋白质可能是 DNA连接蛋白质(DNA-bindi… ...
Single-Stranded DNA Binding Protein (SSB) 以高亲和力协同结合单链 DNA,其与双链 DNA 的结合度不高。与单链 DNA 结合后,SSB 使螺旋二聚体变得不稳定,因此 DNA 聚合酶可以更容易地接触到底物。SSB 参与 DNA 复制并在体内重组。目前它也已用于在电镜下显示单链 DNA。PCR
上海玉博生物科技有限公司 主要致力于“DNA Binding Protein-7 (DBP-7) BioVision-7603-1000”的生产销售。多年的“DNA Binding Protein-7 (DBP-7) BioVision-7603-1000”生产与销售的经验,与各行业新老用户建立了稳定的合作关系,我公司经营的产品名称深受广大用户信赖。
The origin-binding protein UL9, single-stranded DNA (ssDNA) binding protein ICP8, polymerase UL30/UL42, and H/P UL5/UL8/UL52 are organized in different phases of the DNA replication. The organization of HSV-1 replication fork is shown in Fig. 12.3(A) with two heterotrimeric complexes ...
Evidence that a complex of SIR proteins interacts with the silencer and telomere-binding protein RAP1. Genes Dev. 8, 2257–2269 (1994). Article CAS PubMed Google Scholar König, P., Giraldo, R., Chapman, L. & Rhodes, D. The crystal structure of the DNA-binding domain of yeast RAP...
The DNA binding footprint can be defined as the number of base pairs that a protein encompasses when statically bound to DNA. From: DNA Repair, 2018 About this pageAdd to MendeleySet alert Also in subject areas: Immunology and Microbiology Medicine and Dentistry NeuroscienceDiscover other topics ...
Single-Stranded DNA Binding Protein (SSB)是专门负责与DNA单链区域结合的一种蛋白质,主要结合于解旋酶沿复制叉方向向前推进产生的单链区,可防止新形成的单链DNA重新配对形成双链DNA或被核酸酶降解。与单链DNA结合后,SSB使螺旋二聚体变得不稳定,因此DNA聚合酶可以更容易地接触到底物。