Jacquette Soulard was married on July 2, 1685 to Pierre Garceau in Saint-Marsault, Deux-Sèvres, France, about 55 miles northwest of La Rochelle. From Filae, “Pierre Goicheau, age 33, laboureur, père Nicolas Goicheau, mère Marie Cousin; Jacquette Soulard, age 18, père Jacque Soulard...
and number of biological repeats is listed (n). All statistical analysis in this figure was performed using a two-tailed unpairedttest. Source data are provided with this paper.AMean DNA2 foci after shUSP50, 3 hours 5 mM HU, wash and recovery for 20 mins. Representative images (lef...
ExoQuick™ Exosome Precipitation Solution System Biosciences Cat# EXOQ20A-1 Mammalian Protein Extraction Reagent (MPER®) Thermo Scientific Cat# 78501 400 mesh formvar/carbon coated grids Electron Microscopy Sciences Cat# CF400-Cu-UL 4-12% NuPAGE Bis-Tris gel ThermoFisher Scientific, Cat# NW...
Laurie GrieshoberStefan GrawMatt J. BarnettGary E. GoodmanChu ChenDevin C. KoestlerCarmen J. MarsitJennifer A. DohertyCancer research
Bruno Mars有两首歌曲入围,而Kendri ck Lamar更是凭借三首歌曲分别占据了第一、第三和第四的位置。 回顾2020年,也有几次大发行使得新专辑的歌曲在前10名中占据多个位置,但这种“压倒性优势”通常只能持续几周。 虽然2024年和2025年没有出现艺术家完全“接管”前10名每个位置的情况,但确实有几次艺术家一次占据...
This study evaluated different protocols for extracting microbial DNA from Mars Global Simulant (MGS-1), a Mars simulant soil. Two commercial kits were tested: the FastDNA SPIN Kit for soil ("MP kit") and the DNeasy PowerSoil Pro Kit ("PowerSoil kit"). MGS-1...
Tom HubertyDepartment of Otorhinolaryngology, Head & Neck Surgery, University Hospital, LMU Munich, Munich, GermanyAxel LechnerDepartment of Otorhinolaryngology, Head & Neck Surgery, University Hospital, LMU Munich, Munich, GermanyGiovanni Marsico
Our study demonstrates the broad applicability, feasibility, and clinical significance of gDNA-based MRD monitoring in childhood AML.doi:10.1038/s41375-023-02083-9Marketa ZaliovaJan ZunaLucie WinkowskaIveta JanotovaJustina SkorepovaJulius LukesClaus MeyerRolf MarschalekZbynek NovakJiri DomanskyLeukemia...
doi:10.1186/s13040-024-00374-0Hannon, Emily R.Marsit, Carmen J.Dent, Arlene E.Embury, PaulaOgolla, SidneyMidem, DavidWilliams, Scott M.Kazura, James W.BioMed CentralBioData Mining
Comparison of Three Methods to Extract Plasmodium falciparum DNA from Whole Blood and Dried Blood Spotsdoi:10.4269/ajtmh.23-0612Thongseesuksai, ThaksapornBoonmars, ThidarutLaummaunwai, PorntipAmerican Journal of Tropical Medicine & Hygiene