We present the extension of our all-atom force field BILFF (Bio-polymers inIonicLiquidsForceField) to the co-solvent dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO). BILFF already includes force field parameters for several imidazolium- and triazolium-based ionic liquids, water, and the bio-molecule cellulose. DMSO ...
Interestingly,from MDSC curves of HEWL in aqueous solution without DMSO,a small and symmetrical peak in front of the main transition (I)was observed marginally,which was regarded as a pre ⁃transition (II).Specially,this small and marginal peak could not be found in aqueous solution containing...
have been evaluated. Local st ruct ures of t he pep tide have been suggested and pep tide2solvent interactio ns have been discussed. 2 EXP ERIMENTAL The co mpo und Cbz2Ser2Tyr2OC6 H13 was synt hesized acco rding to t he usual met ho d ...
622,产物熔点l43~145℃”CNMR用BrukerDRX一400NMR仪测定, 氘代DMSO作溶剂.其 :167.5(m,C—O);139.8(m,,>o 一);133.0,132.5,131.6,,129.9,128.0, 127.5,127.0,126.4,126.1,125.5,125.1,124.6,123.9,123.1(16C,Ar--C);l19 .3(m,一CH2); ...
NMR experiments were obtained at 25 °C on a Bruker DRX 400 spectrometer operating at 400 MHz for 1H and 100.62 MHz for 13C. 1H and 13C chemical shifts (δ) were reported in parts per million (ppm), and they were relative to the TMS 0.0 ppm and the residual solvent peak of CDCl3...