dmso试剂残留尿素检测nmr (第7期曹宇双134-噻二唑基取代脲的合成及其生物活性研究)(2012年7月)(ChemicalResearchandApplication)(July,2012)(文章编号:1004-1656(2012)07-1099-03)(试剂中残留1)(氘代)(DMSO)(H)(的检测)(琪1,马晓敏2,邓鹏翅3*)(杨)((1.)(四川大学材料科学与工程学院,四川)(成都)(610064...
A method was proposed to mea s ure peak area ratio change between urea and solvent residue i n D M S O— d6 by addi ng di f- ferent amount of urea as interna l standard. T here was a strong li nea r relationshi p between the H pea ks a r ea rati o and amount ratio of ...
Interestingly,from MDSC curves of HEWL in aqueous solution without DMSO,a small and symmetrical peak in front of the main transition (I)was observed marginally,which was regarded as a pre ⁃transition (II).Specially,this small and marginal peak could not be found in aqueous solution containing...
It is also widely used as an organic co-solvent of proteins to investigate processes of folding, unfolding, precipitation and denaturation (Lai et al., 2000; Arakawa et al., 2007). Another important application of DMSO is for NMR spectroscopy, due to its ability to dissolve a wide range of...
We present the extension of our all-atom force field BILFF (Bio-polymers in Ionic Liquids Force Field) to the co-solvent dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO). BILFF a
2.2 DMSO-d6 溶剂氘代率的理论计算 在定量 NMR ’H 谱中,尿素 和 DMSO 残 留信 号的 H 谱峰面积 之 比与其所含‘H 的量 Ⅳ之比 第 7 期 杨琪等 :氘代 DMSO 试剂中残留 H 的检测 1101 相等 ,即: A /A⋯ = Ⅳ /^r⋯ = mv~ /6 0 x 4 ——— 广— 一。 其中,尿素的分子量为 6...