5. Check with your basis whether any secured folders are created in AL11 (where the output file needs to get generated) - If not ask them to create. 6.Check your settings in OBPM1 / OBPM2 / OBPM3 / OBPM4 - (In OBPM4 make sure you have given the secured folder path and file na...
SAP Managed Tags: SAP ERP, FIN (Finance) Dear Friends / Seniors, I am trying to create a DME for Citi Bank - Vietnam. Can anyone give me the steps how to create this in DMEE. I have got the format given by Citi Bank with me. I have created the file. As too many fields are...
Please send the configuration steps for DME through APP for payments to my personal maild : radhakrishnasap@gmail.com I will immediate assgin the points, as soons as get the document. Thanks RK Former Member 2008 Feb 22 0 Kudos Hi Balaji, Please send the configuration steps for DME ...
SAPFPAYM - You don't have to run this separately. Once you configure your payment method properly, in the F110 screen 'Printout' tab, automatically the necessary programs will be populated. This is one of them. All the other steps seems ok to me... Please also refer to the SAP online...