2. The see for that country if SAP has provided any standard DME structure (Transaction Code DMEE - Tree Type PAYM) 3. If this is not sufficient, then copy the standard DME strcutre and modify it accordingly to your requirement. 4. Assign this DME structure in FBZP - Payment Methods in...
SAP Managed Tags: SAP ERP, FIN (Finance) Dear Friends / Seniors, I am trying to create a DME for Citi Bank - Vietnam. Can anyone give me the steps how to create this in DMEE. I have got the format given by Citi Bank with me. I have created the file. As too many fields are...
if possible can you send me the DME configuration document to my id : narayansap@gmail.com. i ll assign points Thnks and Regards laxmi Former Member 2008 Apr 09 0 Kudos hi , if possible can you send me the DME configuration document to my id Thanks and Regards Former Member ...
I was able to generate DME file with Sender ID INCLUDED in QA environment, but the DME file was generated without Sender ID file when I moved transport to production environment. I checked my configuration, everything looks okay. Has anyone encountered similar situation? Is there any OSS note ...
Assign the program variant created in the previous step to the Company code/House bank/ Account ID relationship So overall the configuration would look something like this: 1. Payment medium - e.g. 'XYZ_Wires' 2. SAPFPAYM variant - e.g. 'XYZ_Wires' 3. Format tree (tcode DMEE) - e...
i've done the configuration of DME,,, Created DME engine,created payment medium format, assigned payment medium format to payment method I,created variant for SAPFPAYM & assigned to the payment medium format Still i am getting Error while run the F110 transaction Error " No variants found...
please send ramanji.sb@gmail.com try to send asap because even i need to do the same configuration. Regards, Raman Former Member 2014 Mar 25 0 Kudos Hi, Please send the DMEE config doc to my id ramanji.sb@gmail.com because my client asking me to do this i have to give ...
Jeff Mayfield wrote: This error occurred when a new DME and payment method were created but I don't see anything in the setup that would cause this the error. Do you think copying an existing DME file or OBPM* configuration would have caused this reset? I've done this many times in th...