youtube-dl –rm-cache-dir Press Enter to run the command. YouTube-DL EXE will delete its entire cache memory, cached downloaded files, and metadata. Close the CMD console. Open it again and navigate to the YouTube-DL EXE directory using the CD command. Try to download the YouTube ...
近日,reddit 上一个帖子引来大量网友的讨论,帖子主要内容为:几乎没有人知道优化 AI 模型有多容易,通过添加几行代码,模型的推理速度提高 5-20 倍。 发帖人是初创公司 Nebuly 的联合创始人兼首席运营官 Emile Courthoud。Courthoud 认为目前开发人员虽然精通于 AI、数据集清洗和模型训练等,但是他们在硬件、编译器、...
Binary: where <root-dir>/yt-dlp.exe, <root-dir>/yt-dlp-plugins/<package name>/yt_dlp_plugins/ Source: where <root-dir>/yt_dlp/, <root-dir>/yt-dlp-plugins/<package name>/yt_dlp_plugins/ pip and other locations in PYTHONPATH Plugin packages can be installed and managed...
近日,reddit 上一个帖子引来大量网友的讨论,帖子主要内容为:几乎没有人知道优化 AI 模型有多容易,通过添加几行代码,模型的推理速度提高 5-20 倍。 发帖人是初创公司 Nebuly 的联合创始人兼首席运营官 Emile Courthoud。Courthoud ...
Command-line program to download videos from and other video sites - youtube-dl/docs/ at 19f3821821ada01fbf9b466402bc1d0366b3edb2 · dirkf/youtube-dl
y_pred[i] = int(max(maxdir, key = maxdir.get)) # 字典返回value最大的key 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. # Frobenius norm 可以用来检验两个矩阵是否相同 # 就是所有的difference平方和开根号 # 换句话说,把矩阵变成向量再求euclidean距离 difference = np.linalg.norm(dists - dists_one, ord='fro') ...
Parker PGP620A0500CC1H2NE7E5, suction pipe thread 1 1/4 "-11 BSP threaded outlet pipe thread 1"-14BSP thread, vendors based on the form of pumps and tubing threaded with four adjustable fittings connected to the pump (CONE) REMAX 261033 enerpac HC-7203 wago Art-Nr.: 280-833 导体端子...
Grein 02/23/2024 Athugasemdir Í þessari grein Syntax Constants Remarks Requirements See also Specifies whether the topology loader enables Microsoft DirectX Video Acceleration (DXVA) in the topology. Syntax C++ Afrita typedef enum MFTOPOLOGY_DXVA_MODE { MFTOPOLOGY_DXVA_DEFAULT = 0...
HP HP ProLiant DL360 Gen9 Server说明书 Product environmental attributes – T HE E CO D ECLARATION The declaration may be published only when all rows and/or fields marked with an * are filled-in (n.a. for not applicable).Additional information regarding each item may be found under P14....