Nazwy plików zawartych w pakietach VSIX nie mogą zawierać spacji ani znaków zarezerwowanych w identyfikatorach URI (Uniform Resource Identifiers), zgodnie z definicją w obszarze [RFC2396]. Manifest VSIX Manifest VSIX zawiera informacje o rozszerzeniu do zainstalowania i jest zgodny ...
Windows builds: sign DLLs in addition to EXEs to make Microsoft's new "Smart App Control" tool happy Sending by email: When adding comments also add series Nook driver: Put files in NOOK/Books instead of NOOK/My Files on recent nook devices so they are all listed in one place in th...
[33Star][3m] [C++] notscimmy/libinject Currently supports injecting signed/unsigned DLLs in 64-bit processes [31Star][4m] [Py] fullshade/poppopret-nullbyte-dll-bypass A method to bypass a null byte in a POP-POP-RETN address for exploiting local SEH overflows via DLL injection [30Star...