We also have an active community of mythic plus players. We push high keys and have a few guild friends who hang out in our discord for pushing keys and stuff. Be it raiding, mythic plus, or just casually playing the game, we welcome you with open arms. The When: Our two raid teams...
I would like to see more rune forges added to the game, not necessarily raid/mythic plus oriented, but more cosmetic/farming/convenience/gold making oriented etc. Things that wouldn’t be required to be optimal but could be taken instead for content that you do in game casually as well. ...
We raid Tuesday and Wednesday 8:30 to 10:30pm est and do Mythic plusses Monday and Friday. If you would like to talk more O can be reached at Anaranae#1516 on bnet or @Anaranae on Discord. I hope to talk to you soon Dahknezz-thunderlord August 7, 2024, 11:06am 3 Thanks....
We have a big Mythic plus presence with multiple guildies already above 2k io. In addition we have a lot of active pvpers, we have multiple gladiators and guildies above 2.1k rating. That’s not all, we were able to expand so much this tier alone that we added 2 new raid teams. ...
Hey I’d love to talk to you We have a spot for a tank in our Saturday normal/alt runs and a sub tank in our heroic raid group and a tank for mythic plusses we raid one day a week on Sunday nights from 6 to 10 EST Saturday night optional normal / alt clears we are 9/9 Nor...
Go to this forum post take the spaces out of discord link given in post then join server go to lfg roles and follow the simple instructions. https://us.forums.blizzard.com/en/wow/t/dojo-mythic-plus-and-pvp-community/852587show post in topic Home...