Their toolkit is also varied, and seasoned players will find answers to almost every situation they might get into, both in raids and Mythic+. Riding on the success of Dragonflight, we have kept a large number of positive changes and only gained more, both offensively and defensively. The ...
Blood DK Rotation and Cooldowns Hero Talent Choice Deathbringer San'layn Best Talents for Blood Death Knight Single Target TalentsAoE/Cleave/Mythic+ TalentsTalents Explained General-Purpose Single-Target Talents for Blood Death Knight This build leverages all of the tools available at our disposal while...
When a guild named Cobalt (Mal'Ganis realm) decided to take on Mythic raid boss, Kil'jaeden for the Cutting Edge achievement, they wouldn't have expected that a Blood Death Knight tank would have to solo arguably the worst boss in World of Warcraft for over a minute to score ...
Hey I’d love to talk to you We have a spot for a tank in our Saturday normal/alt runs and a sub tank in our heroic raid group and a tank for mythic plusses we raid one day a week on Sunday nights from 6 to 10 EST Saturday night optional normal / alt clears we are 9/9 Nor...