软件定义无线电(Software Defined Radio,SDR) 是一种无线电广播通信技术,它基于软件定义的无线通信协议而非通过硬连线实现。频带、空中接口协议和功能可通过软件下载和更新来升级,而不用完全更换硬件。今天和电台小叔BG5WKP走进一款简约的SDR电台,该设计目前还在试验阶段,一起来看吧! USX或uSDX QRP HF收发器 文:vk3y...
【火腿DIY】一款简约的SDR电台设计 | 让QRP HF收发器用最少的零件工作 软件定义无线电(Software Defined Radio,SDR) 是一种无线电广播通信技术,它基于软件定义的无线通信协议而非通过硬连线实现。频带、空中接口协议和功能可通过软件下载和更新来升级,而不用完全更换硬件。今天和电台小叔BG5WKP走进一款简约的SDR电台,...
比较早期的可以搜索2007年的这篇“An FPGA Based All-Digital Transmitter with Radio Frequency Output for SoftwareDefined Radio”,利用Xilinx Virtex2pro FPGA上的 MGT(multi-gigabittransceiver)高速引脚实现了800MHz载波,20MHz带宽的64QAM信号发射。临信道泄露比(ACLR)45dB,EVM优于1%。 现在FPGA速度比起2007年快了...
但是,除非我将我的兔耳换成长波长天线,这是另一种家用酿造鱼的水壶,否则这两种方法都毫无意义。 https://spectrum.ieee.org/geek-life/hands-on/a-40-softwaredefined-radio
比较早期的可以搜索2007年的这篇“An FPGA Based All-Digital Transmitter with Radio Frequency Output for SoftwareDefined Radio”,利用Xilinx Virtex2pro FPGA上的 MGT(multi-gigabit transceiver)高速引脚实现了800MHz载波,20MHz带宽的64QAM信号发射。临信道泄露比(ACLR)45dB,EVM优于1%。
radio graphics exposure and practice, as well as how to enable FM radio on S20 devices. It's a hands-on project that allows students to learn about software defined radio kits and producing electronic music. The radio is a perfect example of the transistor radio invented, which has been a...
Specifications: Item: Digital FM Radio Kit Keywords: principles of electronic material and devices, electronic communication system, designing electronic circuit, amateur radio practice test, software defined radio kit Product Specifications: - Multi-Audio Source Selectable: Bluetooth-Compatible, FM, AUX, ...
https:///2015/06/19/comming-soon-stand-alone-software-defined-radio-baseband-demodulator-no-computer-required/ 该设计使用LTC6252低噪声运算放大器作为具有增益的RF输入。它为采样检波器提供了稳定可靠的电阻Rf射频端接。这允许使用随机天线,而不会不利地影响检测器的输入端接。
Software Defined Radio (SDR)Underwater Acoustic Sensor Networks (UWSN) is challenging research area due to limited bandwidth, low data rate, severe multipath, and high variability in the channel conditions. These complicated and non-linear channel characteristics render incorrect most simplifying ...
offering a hands-on approach to learning about electronics and software defined radio. This kit is designed to teach and train individuals in the art of radio assembly, providing a comprehensive understanding of the intricacies involved in building a functional FM radio. The kit's compact size and...