In this software-defined radio tutorial, I’ll set up a software-defined radio device (SDR) and an antenna, and listen to a conversation between two licensed ham radio operators via the Lahore repeater. I will then use the same equipment to receive an image transmitted from the International ...
Mark Cummings and Todor Cooklev, "Tutorial: Software-Defined Radio Technology", proceedings of International Conference on Computer Design, IEEE, 2007, pp 103-104.M. Cummings and T. Cooklev, "Tutorial: Software-defined radio tech- nology," in 2007 25th International Conference on Computer Design...
GNU Radio是一个能够使用户独立设计、仿真、部署高性能的无线电系统。它是一个高度模块化、面向流程图的架构。这让我们可以可容易理解处理过程,并用来解决复杂的信号处理问题。 GNU Radio目前已经有许多方面的应用,比如音频处理、移动通信、卫星追踪、雷达系统、GSM、DRM等等。 它自身并不需要特定硬件平台的支持。它也...
Learn how to use software-defined radio (SDR) hardware with MATLAB and Simulink for testing and prototyping. Resources include hardware, software, examples, and documentation.
I didn't fake this bug to make a point. It came out of my own testing. Subtle bugs like this are all over DSP code. It's impossible to write a good program without testing each piece. With our complex oscillator now working, we will use it in the next tutorial to mix our signals...
Software Defined Radio (SDR) 说明书
Software Defined Radios (SDR) provide a flexible and programmable communication platform by combining the RF front-end to a digital signal processor. Lattice FPGAs provide a high level of programmability, reconfigurability and control that results in optimized system performance with break-through ...
Software-defined radio (SDR) is a radio systemwhere traditional analog components are replaced with digital components and software technologies. In traditional radio systems, a radio was designed entirely in analog and for a specific application. By contrast an SDR can be used to process a wide ...
José M. Rosa Provides tutorial presentation of innovative SDM-based solutions for the next generation of wireless telecom systems Presents a systematic design methodology, based on the combined use of optimization and behavioral simulation Gives practical guidelines on the architecture selection, sizing, ...