3: Open the cover and take out yogurt, cover with plastic wrap and chill a few hours before serving. Maomaomom’s Note: 1C=240ml, 1t=5ml and 1T=15 ml. You might also like: Soft and Moist Coconut Buns香甜松软-【汤种椰蓉包】 【Shrimp with Steamed Egg】【蒸虾仁蛋羹】 【Scallop and ...
1: Bring milk to boil in a medium sizenon-stick poton high heat. Cool to near room temperature. Then add yogurt and sugar and stir to mix. Divide the mixture into 4 cups 2: Take out yourInstantPot, add water to 4C mark and put all four cups in. Cover the lid and choose “Keep...
I had no idea ziploc was making anything like that. I’ll have to check them out because my toddler loves yogurt something crazy Log in to Reply Liz MaysSeptember 11, 2014 - 3:07 am I’m so excited about your version. This is a great alternative to store bought. ...
PREVIOUS Previous post: Instant Pot Marathi Rassa – Indian Mixed Vegetables with Coconut Recipe NEXT Next post: Can people with disabilities save money without losing benefits?147 Comments Darya June 8, 2018 - 3:26 am First time I tried honey mask it was really sticky. I like your recipe...
Yogurt DIY By Maomaomom With a InstantPot, an electric pressure cooker , you can conveniently make yogurt yourself! Prepare Time: 10 minutes Cook time:
Yogurt DIY By Maomaomom With a InstantPot, an electric pressure cooker , you can conveniently make yogurt yourself! Prepare Time: 10 minutes Cook time:
Yogurt DIY By Maomaomom With a InstantPot, an electric pressure cooker , you can conveniently make yogurt yourself! Prepare Time: 10 minutes Cook time: