DistantHorizons2.0+IrisShaders GPU:??? CPU:别说了DH给我拉爆了 窒Suffocating 游戏 单机游戏 我的世界 光影 世界 4K 画质 像素风 MaishanStudio 发消息 关注我们看更多好看的视频 MXStudio 邮箱:maishan@tutanota.com【第五人格】中秋活动福利,领23连抽+3200线索和碎片!!活动真的太香了~兄弟们点击领取!3...
Add the prefix "DH-" to all Distant Horizons threads - James Moved from a loose file system to a Sqlite database - James Move to a FrameBuffer based system instead of rendering directly to MC's FrameBuffer - Steveplays, James Removals: Deprecated several minor MC versions Removed biome ble...
(no distant horizons support) auto-featured download report changelog it's been a little bit. i got a couple things to show off... additions a completely new nether shader. plumes of smoke lit up by the lakes of lava fill the air. the lighting is dynamic for the scene you stand in....
# CPU performance may suffer if Distant Horizons has a lot to load or generate. # This can be an issue when first loading into a world, when flying, and/or when generating new terrain. # numberOfWorldGenerationThreads = 8 [client.advanced.logging] ...