DistantHorizons2.0+IrisShaders GPU:??? CPU:别说了DH给我拉爆了 窒Suffocating 游戏 单机游戏 我的世界 光影 世界 4K 画质 像素风 MaishanStudio 发消息 关注我们看更多好看的视频 MXStudio 邮箱:maishan@tutanota.com【第五人格】中秋活动福利,领23连抽+3200线索和碎片!!活动真的太香了~兄弟们点击领取!3...
156a835 shaders dimensions lang lib template texture world-1 world0 world1 block.properties dimension.properties entity.properties item.properties shaders.properties CREDITS.txt LICENSE.md README.md Breadcrumbs Bliss-Shader /shaders / shaders.properties ...
DISTANT_HORIZONS_SHADOWMAP = §c(此选项有效, 但需要测试)§r DH 阴影图支持 option.DISTANT_HORIZONS_SHADOWMAP.comment = §c此选项会降低性能§r. 将阴影距离设置为 32 区块 (或更多). 设置阴影分辨率为 4096 (或更大) option.TOGGLE_VL_FOG = 体积雾 option.TOGGLE_VL_FOG.comment = 一个快速关闭...
DistantHorizons_projections.glsl PhotonGTAO.glsl ROBOBO_sky.glsl Shadow_Params.glsl Shadows.glsl blocks.glsl bokeh.glsl climate_settings.glsl color_dither.glsl color_transforms.glsl diffuse_lighting.glsl end_fog.glsl entities.glsl gameplay_effects.glsl hsv.glsl indirect_lighting_effects.g...
Fantasy Report Description THE RELEASE VERSIONS HEREDO NOT SUPPORT DISTANT HORIZONS you mustget the latest in-development versionof bliss. SCROLL DOWN TO FIND IT About the shader I liked chocapic13's v9, but i could not be satisfied. I went from changing shader settings to adding shader sett...
Many customizable options with their proper translations to different languages. Distant Horizons support. Important links Boosty(analogous toPatreon):[Clickable] Discord:[Clickable] GitHub:[Clickable] Credits SixthSurge for VX LPV algorithm EminGT and gri573 for improved shadow sampling ...
THE RELEASED VERSIONS HERE DO NOT SUPPORT DISTANT HORIZONS. YOU NEED THE LATEST IN-DEVELOPMENT VERSION OF BLISS. SCROLL DOWN TO FIND IT. About The Shader I liked chocapic13's v9, but i could not be satisfied. I went from changing shader settings to adding shader settings. Eventually i ...
Bliss v2.0.4 (NO DISTANT HORIZONS SUPPORT) Bliss v2.0.4 (NO DISTANT HORIZONS SUPPORT) Auto-featured Changelog It's been a little bit. i got a couple things to show off... ADDITIONS A completely new nether shader. plumes of smoke lit up by the lakes of lava fill the air. the ...
By the way, you can play the pack with the following compatible mods: Create, Create Deco, Distant Horizons, Macaw’s Lights, and Supplementaries.Shrimple Shaders FAQHere’s a handy FAQ to guide you through optimizing your Shrimple shaders with the best settings....
Distant Horizons getting disabled when shader is on #2521 openedNov 10, 2024byKB-Q 1 Not compatible with Supplementaries #2520 openedNov 10, 2024byTzAAnvil ATM shader not loading #2519 openedNov 9, 2024byG00fII 1 Shaders stop working after reloading them ...