Dissertation chapter:Introduction Dissertation chapter:Hypothesis Dissertation chapter:Literature Review Dissertation chapter:Methodology Dissertation chapter:Results Dissertation chapter:Discussion Dissertation chapter:Conclusion Dissertation chapter:Abstract Thesis Research ProposalCurrent...
论文里讨论章节(Discussion Chapter)是你展示你研究结果的意义(Meaning)和 重要性(Importance)的部分。在这一部分你需要说明你的研究结果(Results)是怎么跟你的文献综述(Literature Review)和研究问题(Research Question)是相关的。在撰写这个部分的时候需要包含以下四个部分: 1. 解释(Interpretation):你的研究结果(Result...
Chapter 1 Introduction Honeynet is a kind of a network security tool, most of the network security tools we have are passive in nature for example Firewalls and IDS. They have the dynamic database of ... Analysis of Hospitality Industry in Mauritius ...
概述部分和Abstract是有区别的,很多同学会比较迷惑.这部分要说明你的研究动机,重点研究的问题和简要概述每个章节. 这里给大家个example方便大家理解: Chapter 1 will examine the development of Robert Frost’s poetry and the factors that influenced it….Chapter 2 will analyse the poems that concentrate on Na...
Once it is clear what goes in the discussion section of a dissertation, you can focus on the writing itself. You should pay a special attention to this chapter, as it is often the first thing that other scholars read to get an understanding of your dissertation. Due to its significance,wr...
The discussion chapter contextualizes the findings laid out in the previous chapter. What does the data mean for this topic? Did it fit into the theoretical framework? How does it change the way we think? These are the kinds of themes the discussion chapter expounds on. Feel free to talk...
Chapter 1: Introduction Chapter 2: Methodology Chapter 3: Literature Review & Research Results Chapter 4: Discussion Chapter 5: Conclusion Appendices Note that the outline will vary depending on your professor’s requirements, university rules, and specifics of the topic you’re researching. The res...
论文的Results & Discussion部分应该包括以下内容: Findings(发现) Comparison with prior studies (与前人研究的比较) Limitations of your work (研究的局限性) Casual arguments (因果主张与论证) Speculations (推测) Deductive arguments (演绎论点) 学术写作神器 ...
The structure of your discussion chapter is really going to depend on what you are trying to do and how you have structured your findings. If you chose to structure your findings by theme, it might make sense to continue this into the analysis chapter. Other people might structure it acco...
Title Abstract Introduction Literature Review Methodology Results Discussion Conclusion Bibliography/ReferencesHere’s a standard dissertation outline example for you to get a better idea of this paper’s structure:Now, let’s discuss the content to include in every dissertation chapter outline, step by...