Thediscussion sectionis where you delve into the meaning, importance, and relevance of yourresults. It should focus on explaining and evaluating what you found, showing how it relates to yourliterature reviewand paper ordissertation topic, and making an argument in support of your overall conclusion...
Begin the Discussion section by restating yourstatement of the problemand briefly summarizing the maj...
If you have used multiple different instruments to collect data (e.g. interviews and observations), you are going to want to ensure that you are using both examples within each section (if possible). This is so that you can demonstrate to more well-rounded perspective of the points you ...
This study explores the level of engagement in doctoral dissertation discussion sections written by Kurdish native speakers. To achieve this objective, the researcher analyzed eight randomly selected doctoral dissertations in English applied linguistics authored by Kurdi...
If, in the define section, if I make z2 = y1*x2, is the result in the model going to be based on y1 or y1* where y1* is the "predicted value" from the "first stage" model? What I am trying to do is create an interaction term where one of the terms is not an observed va...
In this section, we discuss the implications of this study for research and practice from the point of view of different stakeholders. LMS Forums vendors - our work has identified several issues related to the design of distance learning forums. Although the LMS Moodle is predominant among our ...
24 "Mothernity: An African Communitarian Ideology and Ideal" is the title of a section of Oyewumi's African Women and Feminism. See also 11, 5–6. 25 Hudson-Weems, "Self-Naming and Self-Definition," 450. 26 For one critique of African Americans' essentializing of Africa, see Oyewumi, ...
Thanks you very much for your help. I promise I will acknowledge you at my dissertation oral defense Best Regards, Barbatruc Hi, Bengt. Regarding the earlier question about interpreting probit regression coefficients, I have a situation with a latent variable measured by two continuous indicators ...
See Examples 8.13 and 8.14 and the last section in Chapter 13, Parameterizations of Model With More Than One Categorical Latent Variable. If you don't have the most recent user's guide, see the one on the website. Christopher J. Sullivan posted on Tuesday, June 19, 2007 - 6:55 am ...
I am submitting a grant for funding for my dissertation work. I will be conducting a latent profile analysis using continuous indicators of children's behavior and using demographic covariates to predict class membership. In addition, I plan to simultaneously estimate the lpa as well as a lgca ...