Sufficiently large area of the specimen or sample must be seen with the microscope which is best attained with a large field of view using eyepieces or a camera; Plenty of space to work with utensils under the microscope objective is necessary and this requires a large working distance, the ...
As mentioned, a dissecting (stereo or inspection microscope) is a low power microscope that is commonly used for thepurposes of inspecting larger sized specimen/objects like fossils, rocks, insects, and parts of a plant, etc. Here, however, specimen mounted on slides can also be viewed using ...
Look at the nose piece of the dissecting microscope to determine whether there is another objective lens in place. It is possible to increase the magnification of a dissecting scope by screwing on another objective lens. Step 4 Place the specimen on the stage and view it through the eyepiece....
which could be segmented into two distinct spatial contexts. The tumor context was dominated by a dense accumulation of tumor cells, while the tumor-adjacent context was composed primarily of non-malignant epithelial cells (Fig.S3e). The small fraction of tumor cells...
Images of immunostained cells were examined by Leica fluorescence microscope (Leica Microsystem, Wetzlar, Germany). RT –PCR on archive tissue samples Finefix-fixed paraffin-embedded tissues of prostate cancers derived from four patients were kindly provided by Dr Ghimenton from the Surgical Pathology ...
A simple plexiglas holder that secures epoxy specimen blocks for precise trimming in a dissecting microscopedoi:10.1002/jemt.1060020321MarcDivisionM.DivisionFriedmanDivisionWileyJournal of Electron Microscopy Technique
include pycnogonids, which hold a key position for the understanding of arthropod evolution. The visual neuropils inAchelia langiare studied using a focused ion beam-scanning electron microscope (FIB-SEM) crossbeam-workstation, and a three-dimensional serial reconstruction of the connectome is ...
The co-expression pattern of MUC6 and OLFM4, as well as LEFTY1, was confirmed by the immunofluorescence (IF) staining on the same IM resection specimen (Figures 3H and 3I). OLFM4 has been reported to mark intestinal stem cells in both normal and metaplastic contexts. Therefore, we ...
A simple plexiglas holder that secures epoxy specimen blocks for precise trimming in a dissecting microscopeThe fate of radiolabeled Aspergillus fumigatus galactomannan was studied after intravenous injection into rabbits and rats. At 1 hr, the liver contained 35% of the injected dose in rabbits and ...
The use of this simple procedure should be encouraged in hysterectomy specimens.doi:10.1136/jcp.2003.014332HattoriHJournal of Clinical PathologyHattori H. False glomerulus in renal biopsy specimen: A possible pitfall under the dissecting microscope. J Clin Pathol 2004;57:336....