1 1.打开“开始菜单”。2.将鼠标移动到齿轮处。3.点击页面中的“Settings”。4.点击Settings窗口中的“Time & Language”。5.点击Settings窗口中的“Language”。6.点击窗口中的“Windows display language”的下拉选项。7.点击选项“中文(中华人民共和国)”,即可完成设置。注意事项 设置完成后建议重启 ...
After you change the display language in Windows 10, the Mail and Calendar apps may still use the previous language when you open them. This happens because new versions of the Mail and Calendar apps for that language must be downloaded from the Store...
Windows di..因为我用的是英文版所以就这样演示一下叭。Settings > Time & Language > Language安装好中文语言包后点“UP”的小箭头。下拉后看到Administr
Mail for Windows 10 and Calendar for Windows 10 users have reported issues with the display language of their app following a recent Windows update. STATUS: WORKAROUND We are aware of this issue and a fix is in progress. For now, please try the following as a ...
I've been trying to install RSAT on my Surface Pro 3 (with windows 10 installed) since August. I have not been able to, despite trying various different things (like extracting the .cab file, changing default language etc). Nothing has worked - RSAT still is not appearing in add/remove...
2、在打开的“Windows Settings”(Windows设置)窗口中选择进入“Time & Language”(时间和语言)。3、选中页面的左侧的“Language”(语言)选项。4、然后在右侧页面中就能找到“Windows display Language”(Windows显示语言),通过该功能就 正文 1 1、点击桌面左下角的“Win键”,在“开始”菜单中选中“Settings...
10,676 Reputation points • Microsoft Vendor Nov 18, 2020, 10:58 AM Please create a new local admin account and logon to see if the language issue persists. And use settings>update & security>windows update>check for updates to see if you could upgrade the windows 10 version. 0 ...
In Windows 10, you can change the display language. For example, if you have a PC with an English version of Windows 10, but your native language is not English, you can convert the operating system into your native language without reinstalling. Here is how. ...
How to Change System and Display Language in Windows 10 Windows 10 provides various languages from which you can choose your preferred language. Steps to change display and system language in Windows 10. 1. To get started click on the Windows Start button > click on gear icon to open Windows...