Windows.Graphics.Display.Core Windows.Graphics.Effects Windows.Graphics.Holographic Windows.Graphics.Imaging Windows.Graphics.Printing Windows.Graphics.Printing.OptionDetails Windows.Graphics.Printing.PrintSupport Windows.Graphics.Printing.PrintTicket Windows.Graphics.Printing.ProtectedPrint ...
Custom ITN(inverse-text-normalization): Define advanced patterns such as numbers, addresses, emails, etc. Supported language and locales: en-us, en-au, en-ca, en-gb, en-hk, en-in, en-ie, en-nz, en-ng, en-ph, en-sg, en-zh, zh-cn, zh-hk, pt-br, pt-pt, ...
spark.components.supportClasses DisplayLayer - AS3 Flex Propriedades | Métodos | Eventos Pacotes x Nível superior adobe.utils air.desktop air.update com.adobe.viewsource fl.accessibility fl.containers fl.controls fl.controls.dataGridClasses fl.controls.listClasse...
Windows.ApplicationModel.Appointments.AppointmentsProvider Windows.ApplicationModel.Appointments.DataProvider Windows.ApplicationModel.AppService Windows.ApplicationModel.Background Windows.ApplicationModel.Calls Windows.ApplicationModel.Calls.Background Windows.ApplicationModel.Calls.Provider Windows.ApplicationModel.Chat Wi...
Read in another languageThis application provides display and control of Android devices connected on USB (or over TCP/IP). It does not require any root access. It works on GNU/Linux, Windows and macOS.It focuses on:lightness (native, displays only the device screen) performance (30~60fps)...
May 7, 2020 Reference from localized versions May 10, 2020 build.gradle Update to AGP 3.6.2 Apr 4, 2020 cross_win32.txt Upgrade SDL (2.0.12) for Windows Apr 28, 2020 cross_win64.txt Upgrade SDL (2.0.12) for Windows ...
Report rendering extensions process the Report Definition Language (RDL) and create reports in a predefined format (such as PDF, HTML, and Excel) specific to the particular rendering extension being used.Figure 2 illustrates the architecture of Reporting Services. Using these extension...
A Amazon Ads expandiu ageração de imagens por IA(versão beta) para anunciantes deSponsored Displaynos US, CA, MX e EU5. Anteriormente disponível apenas para campanhas deSponsored Brands, os anunciantes agora podem usar imagens geradas por IA para campanhas de Sponsored Display com apena...
Referência do ActionScript®3.0 para Adobe®Flash®Platform Início|Ocultar listas de Pacotes e Classes|Pacotes|Classes|Novidades|Índice|Apêndices|Por que inglês? Filtros: Runtimes AIR 30.0 e anterior, Flash Player 30.0 e anterior, Flash Lite 4 ...
Azure AI 语音服务可被视为两个组件:语音识别和显示文本格式设置。 语音识别将音频转录为词法文本,然后将词法文本转换为显示文本。 以下是支持显示文本格式功能的区域设置:da-DK、de-DE、en-AU、en-CA、en-GB、en-HK、en-IE、en-IN、en-NG、en-NZ、en-PH、en-SG、en-US、es-ES、es-MX、fi-FI、fr-...