Multivariable Mendelian randomization: the use of pleiotropic genetic variants to estimate causal effects. Am J Epidemiol. 2015;181(4):251-260. doi:10.1093/aje/kwu283PubMedGoogle ScholarCrossref 37. Burgess S, Davies NM, Thompson SG. Bias due to participant overlap in two-...
ASD typically manifests before the age of 3 and substantially impacts the physical and mental health of children and adolescents. Due to its poor prognosis, high disability rate, and the need for long-term rehabilitation, ASD imposes considerable economic and psychological burdens on both society an...
12 In addition to the criteria listed in the DSM-5, the criteria reported in the International Classification of Diseases (ICD-10) are also used to guide clinical diagnosis.13 However, due to the lack of characteristic symptoms and objective diagnostic evidence for MDD, identification and early ...
Although the concurrent use of stimulants and opioids may initially have been prompted by ADHD symptoms and comorbid chronic pain, continued use of opioids alone or combined with central nervous system stimulants may result in drug dependence and other adverse effects (eg, overdose) because of the...
(DSM-5).12In addition to the criteria listed in the DSM-5, the criteria reported in the International Classification of Diseases (ICD-10) are also used to guide clinical diagnosis.13However, due to the lack of characteristic symptoms and objective diagnostic evidence for MDD, identification and...
The diagnostic challenges may, at least in part, be due to difficulties in its assessment [17]. As such, symptoms of DMDD are not unique to children referred for psychiatric services. Hence, many existing measures provide questions which assess symptoms relevant to DMDD (e.g. irritability is...
The neural mechanisms of empathy have also been explored in large scale studies, most focused on pain empathy due to the robustness of pain in inducing empathy. Functional magnetic resonance studies have reported that watching others in pain consistently activates regions of the anterior insula and ...
9,10 These evaluation tools, used by trained professionals, have limitations during face-to-face evaluations due to time and spatial constraints, as well as differences in results among the interviewees.11 The development of personal digital devices has enabled moment-by-moment collection of ...
MDD heterogeneity is likely going to be very messy, due to environmental effects operating differently in different cohorts, with an altogether much richer and complex pattern of interactions, a degree of context dependency that we have not so far been able to measure. MDD may consist of many ...
Due to the large overlap between SM and SAD, similar mechanisms might apply to both disorders, while differences might explain why children with SM fail to speak. The aim of our study is to investigate psychophysiological mechanisms of the failure to speak in children with SM. Methods We ...