Several forms of infantile epilepsy also show similar cellular interference, but fortunately no other examples are known. Yet, there are females who express an X-linked pathogenic variant, even though most carriers of pathogenic variants in similar genes do not. For example, females with Fabry ...
MS is a putative autoimmune demyelinating disease. The target organ of the immune response is the central nervous system (CNS). Clinically, patients present with discrete episodes of neurological dysfunction which initially improve over weeks to months. This is a relapse. Hence, the early phase of...
This chapter discusses the major potato diseases worldwide: late blight, early blight, wart, and powdery scab. Late blight, caused by the oomycete Phytophthora infestans, continues to be the main biotic constraint of potato production. Annual losses have
34, 35, 36, 37, 38 The diagnosis of Kaposi's sarcoma may be problematic due to its broad morphologic spectrum and similar appearance to other benign and malignant neoplastic vascular lesions. Immunostaining of Kaposi's sarcoma latent associated nuclear antigen-1 (LANA-1) is useful to confirm ...
et al. CSF cytokine profile in MOG-IgG+ neurological disease is similar to AQP4-IgG+ NMOSD but distinct from MS: a cross-sectional study and potential therapeutic implications. J. Neurol. Neurosurg. Psychiatry 89, 927–936 (2018). Article PubMed Google Scholar Chihara, N. et al. ...
In 2016, the age-standardized mortality rate per 100,000 induced by HBV was 5.1 (95% UI: 4.7–6.1), which was similar to the global rate of 5.2 (95% UI: 4.7–6.0)[9]. DALYs attributable to HBV accounted for 49.5% of all DALYs of cirrhosis and other chronic liver diseases in 2016...
< 0.001). The results were similar across route of transmission groups, and in a sensitivity analysis considering seasonality (Table 5 and Fig. 2C). Table 4 Poisson segmented regression models of the impact of treat-all on mean estimated time from infection to diagnosis among PLHIV in ...
For example, the rate of CVD DALYs in Mississippi among women (3581 age-standardized DALYs per 100 000 persons; 95% UI, 3285-4399), the highest rate experienced by women in any state, is similar to the rate of CVD DALYs among men in Florida, Virginia, and South Dakota. The largest...
We wish to thank the NERC (NE/V003917/1), the ERC (FP7-IDEAS-ERC/340923) and the University of Bristol for funding GC–MS and GC–IRMS capabilities used for this work. Y.D. and M.G.T. received funding from the ERC Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme (grant agreement no...
2a). To determine whether CDA activity is essential for virulence, a VdPDA1-deletion strain (VdΔpda1) and complement strains with either mutated VdPDA1D55A, H201A (VdΔpda1/cPDA1D55A, H201A) or the wild-type VdPDA1 (VdΔpda1/cPDA1) were generated (Fig. 2b). Similar to the...