The major breakthroughs in the discovery of disease resistance gene atlas of soybean were also emphasized which include: (1) identification and characterization of vertical resistance genes reside rhg1 and Rhg4 for soybean cyst nematode, and exploration of the underlying regulation mechanisms through ...
the very existence of plants in the presence of many pathogens bears witness to the presence of highly effective systems for defense against pathogen invasion and disease. One system is based on disease resistance genes, which allow plants to detect pathogen ...
In the Arabidopsis Col-0 genome, 149 proteins were predicted to have NBS-LRR domains and about two-thirds of those were included in a subgroup with at least one known R protein or Col-0 ortholog of an R protein [4]. In soybean, although research on R proteins conferring resistance to ...
The fact that even a single amino acid substitution in an R protein can alter disease resistance in a quantitative manner might explain the con- tinuous phenotypic variations that researchers find in diverse genetic resources or mapping populations16,17. QTL-mediated resistance is often undetectable ...
disease resistance gene; the authors further isolated theRlm2gene, which is an allelic variant ofLepR370. More recently, the authors cloned another BL resistance gene,Rlm9, which encodes a wall-associated kinase-like protein, a newly discovered class of race-specific plant RLK resistance genes71...
Most intracellular resistance proteins belong to the nucleotide-binding domain leucine-rich repeat (NLR) class, with either an N-terminal TIR (Toll/interleukin-1 receptor/resistance protein) or CC (coiled-coil) signaling domain.4,5,6 Cryo-EM structural analysis of the Arabidopsis resistance protein...
We found that the rice GTPase OsRac1 at the plasma membrane interacts directly with Pit, an NLR protein that confers resistance to the rice blast fungus. OsRac1 contributes to Pit-mediated ROS production as well as the HR and is required for Pit-mediated disease resistance in rice. Further...
4 Department of Ecology and Evolution, University of Chicago, Chicago, Illinois, United States of America Abstract The failure of gene-for-gene resistance traits to provide durable and broad-spectrum resistance in an agricultural context has led to the search for genes underlying ...
resistance. For example,Rpp9once provided effective resistance to SCR in the southern USA, but it has since been overcome by a new race ofP. polysora(Brewbaker et al.2011). The resistance QTLs have been identified and mapped on chromosomes 3 and 4 (Holland et al.1998); 3, 4, and 9 ...
the most well-known and significant sources of resistance are the two QTLs (Rhg1on Chr. 18 andRhg4on Chr. 8) that confer resistance to various SCN races (1, 2, 3, 4, and 5). These QTLs were frequently identified in various sources of resistance, primarily in plant introductions [175...