The history of Latin America, the history of disease, medicine, and public health, and global history are deeply intertwined, but the intersection of these three fields has not yet attracted sustained attention from historians. Recent developments in the historiography of disease, medicine, and ...
Synthesizing our growing knowledge of evolutionary history with genetic medicine, while accounting for environmental and social factors, will help to achieve the promise of personalized genomics and realize the potential hidden in an individual’s DNA sequence to guide clinical decisions. In short, ...
Mendelian randomization analysis dissects the relationship between NAFLD, T2D and obesity and provides implications for precision medicine. Preprint at bioRxiv (2019). Cotsapas, C. et al. Pervasive sharing of genetic effects in autoimmune disease. PLoS Genet. 7, e...
7."History" Beyond "Histories" in Interpreter of Maladies“小历史”中的“大历史”——《疾病解说者》中的历史叙事与文化霸权 inveterate disease痼疾,宿疾,老毛病 9.No longer is there a shortage of doctors and medicine, or neglected patients in the agricultural and pastoral areas.农牧民缺医少...
Advances in science and medicine in developed countries, including the generation ofvaccinesandantibiotics, have been fundamental in bringing vital aid to countries afflicted by a high burden of disease. Yet, despite the expansion of resources and improvements in the mobilization of these resources to...
1.(Medicine) the theory that all infectious diseases are caused by microorganisms 2.(Biology) the theory that living organisms develop from other living organisms by the growth and differentiation of germ cells Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins...
O Modern medicine made it possible for people to live longer even if they had an infectious disease. O Infectious diseases were harder to cure due to factors like stress and pollution. O New infectious diseases appeared as quickly as modern medical science was able to control old ones. ...
Diagnosis is based on patient's medical history and examination. View chapter Chapter Magnesium and migraine Treatments, Nutraceuticals, Supplements, and Herbal Medicine in Neurological Disorders Book2023, Treatments, Nutraceuticals, Supplements, and Herbal Medicine in Neurological Disorders Lidia Savi Explore...
'The Age of Universal Contagion': History, Disease and Globalization In: Medicine at the Border: Disease, Globalization and Security, 1850 to the Present, edited by Alison Bashford, 1-17. New York: Palgrave Macmillan.Bashford, Alison. "`The Age of Universal Contagion': History, Disease and ...