特殊说明: 解决问题的光鲜,藏着磕Bug的痛苦。 万物皆入轮回,谁也躲不掉! 以上文章,均...
While Dink supports the Discord webhook format (with rich embeds and optional screenshots), it also includes additional metadata that allows custom webhook servers to analyze messages or even generate their own messages. Examples of the additional metadata can be found here. This project was forked ...
The DISCORD_WEBHOOK variable can be defined in the environment where you will run semantic release. Copy and past the Discord hook value to this variable.OptionsOptionDescriptionRequiredDefault packageName Override or add package name instead of npm package name no SEMANTIC_RELEASE_PACKAGE or npm ...
id: discord_incoming_webhook namespace: dev tasks: - id: send_discord_message type: io.kestra.plugin.notifications.discord.DiscordIncomingWebhook url: "{{ secret('DISCORD_WEBHOOK') }}" payload: | { "channel": "#general", "text": "Hello from the workflow {{ flow.id }}" } """ )...
Furthermore, this plugin goes above and beyond by providing additional features such as webhook integration with Discord. Every time someone clicks on your vanity URL, a notification will be sent directly to your designated channel in Discord. Features Automatic role updates for members. Notifying cu...
self.message = message self.username = username self.avatar_url = avatar_url self.tts = tts self.proxy = proxy def _get_webhook_endpoint(self, http_conn_id: str | None, webhook_endpoint: str | None) -> str: """ Given a Discord http_conn_id, return the default webhook endpoint or...
同样的API,incomingPhoneResource,也可以用来做同样的事情。您应该能够通过这种方式创建、读取、更新和删除语音和短信电话号码配置的Webhook。 是否可以通过命令显示Discord bot当前连接了多少个语音频道? 您可以使用Bot.voice_clients属性 voice_states = bot.voice_clients # or client, however you named your instance...
in <module> from .async_ import * File "/home/quartz_i_warrior/.local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/discord/webhook/async_.py", line 46, in <module> from ..channel import PartialMessageable ImportError: cannot import name 'PartialMessageable' from 'discord.channel' (/home/quartz_i_warrior/...
const{LoggerUtil}=require('@ZerroDevs/discord-bot-utils');// Initialize loggerawaitLoggerUtil.initialize({logDirectory:'logs',webhookUrl:'your-webhook-url',errorWebhookUrl:'your-error-webhook-url',maxLogAge:7// days});// Log different levelsawaitLoggerUtil.log('info','Operation successful');...