克隆用户消息:可以通过监听discord的消息事件,获取到用户发送的消息内容。例如,可以使用@client.event装饰器来监听on_message事件,并在事件处理函数中获取到用户消息的内容。 发送克隆的消息:使用webhook对象的send方法来发送消息。例如,webhook.send(content=message.content),其中message.content是用户发送的消息内容。...
首先,在您要向其发送消息的 Discord 频道中 创建一个 webhook。 然后,使用 discord.Webhook.from_url 方法从 Discord 给你的 URL 中获取一个 Webhook 对象。 最后,使用 discord.Webhook.send 方法使用 webhook 发送消息。 如果您使用的是 discord.py 的版本 2,则可以使用以下代码片段: from discord import Sync...
特殊说明: 解决问题的光鲜,藏着磕Bug的痛苦。 万物皆入轮回,谁也躲不掉! 以上文章,均...
Send a message: Send a simple text message to a webhook. Send an embed: Send a customized embed with a title, description, and color. Send a message with a custom username: Send a message with a custom username. Send an embed with fields: Send an embed with additional fields. Send a...
gtuk/discordwebhook" func main() { var username = "BotUser" var content = "This is a test message" var url = "https://discord.com/api/webhooks/..." message := discordwebhook.Message{ Username: &username, Content: &content, } err := discordwebhook.SendMessage(url, message) if err...
3. 注册添加一个新的机器人,如果是自定义的机器人,有用的信息只是 webhook。 1. 登录网易云信开发者中心,点击我们的一个应用 “llaccord” 2.1 点击 “产品功能 > IM 即时通讯” 2.2 点击 “账号管理” 分页,进入 “机器人” 管理页面 2.3 点击我们原先注册的一个机器人“llaccord_010” ...
Set-up is simple - make a webhook for your Discord channel in the app, copy it and paste it into Unity, and you're good to go. Sending a message is as easy as calling Dishook.Send(message);. No hosting or Discord bots required. Fully customizable Sending messages and rich embed...
The following configuration send a webhook message to a discord server containing embeds object. Refer to Embed object documentation for more information on how to use them.notify: entries: message: "{{series_name}} - {{series_id }}" via: - discord: web_hook_url: https://discordapp.com...
Discord Webhook CLI A tool which will help you send messages using webhook easily. No need to code. Installation npm: npm i -g discord-webhook-cli yarn: yarn add discord-webhook-cli npx:(no installation required) npx discord-webhook-cli ...
discord.send() function Flux 0.69.0+ View InfluxDB support discord.send() is a user-contributed function maintained by the package author. discord.send() sends a single message to a Discord channel using a Discord webhook. Function type signature( content: A, username: B, webhookID: string...