Voice Lounge/语音大厅1)voice-text/语音文字:同订阅者的no-mic/没麦,如果在底下的语音频道但是没有麦可以在这里打字2)watch party/一起看:有时会在这里举办一起看电影等活动3)voice lounge/语音频道,以及game lounge/游戏频道:现有2个语音聊天房和2个游戏房,可以在里面语音聊天,或者开屏幕共享打游戏等等(在不...
Discord.py是一个用于开发Discord机器人的Python库。VoiceState是Discord.py中的一个对象,它代表了用户在语音频道中的状态。然而,VoiceState对象并没有直接的属性叫做"voice_channel"。 VoiceState对象有以下一些常用属性和方法: member:返回与该VoiceState相关联的成员对象。
Here, you can manage how each role looks to the rest of the server with these settings: Role color: Choose a color for the names of members included in this role. This color will appear in channel messages and the online users list on the right side of the server. Role icon: If ...
Selecting that card will show all your friends with you in the voice channel. You will also be able to manage your personal audio settings and see other peoples’ PSN accounts if they’re connected to their Discord accounts.Now you can chat with all your Discord friends while using your ...
Change Discord voice chat settings When you start or join a voice channel on Discord, it appears on the voice chat card in the control centre. A) Type of voice chat See what type of voice chat you're currently using. A voice chat started in Discord is called Discord voice chat. ...
Join, transfer, or leave a Discord channel Expand all How to join on your console How to transfer to your console How to leave a Discord voice channel How to watch or live stream your game to a Discord channel Expand all To live stream your game To end your Discord live stream...
In exchange for giving you more settings to juggle, Community servers give you more options to develop a welcome experience and, of course, community. 5. Promote your server Now that your server is ready to go, it's time to promote it in places where potential community members will see ...
How to join Discord voice chat on PS5 To start, select the Discord tab in Game Base within the PS5 Control Center and choose the Discord server or DM group you’d like to join. Then, select your preferred voice channel. This will reveal more details, such as who is ...
echo $DISCORD_VOICE_TRANSFER_BOT_TOKEN_1 と打ち,設定したトークンが表示されれば完了です. 実行 node build/index.js -s server_settings/default.json5 使い方 任意のボイスチャンネルに接続します 任意のテキストチャンネルで「@bot1 connect」と発言します(@bot1はbotの名前) 接続している...
To close out you just hitDisconnectin the audio settings and you'll remove yourself from Discord Voice. So, the process is a little convoluted right now, but it works and once it's initially set up it goes a little quicker in subsequent uses. In Discord, you hit theTransfer to Xboxbutt...