创建频道:可以在 Server 创建多个频道(称为 channel),频道可以是 text channel,类似于常规的群聊天;也可以是 voice channel,一个 24 小时开放的语音空间。加入好友:当你想和朋友玩游戏的时候,可以打开 Discord,大概率会发现朋友们的头像已经在 voice channel 里,也能看到他们正在玩什么游戏。这时候你可以...
创建频道:可以在 Server 创建多个频道(称为 channel),频道可以是 text channel,类似于常规的群聊天;也可以是 voice channel,一个 24 小时开放的语音空间。 加入好友:当你想和朋友玩游戏的时候,可以打开 Discord,大概率会发现朋友们的头像已经在 voice channel 里,也能看到他们正在玩什么游戏。 这时候你可以选择直...
Discord.py是一个用于开发Discord机器人的Python库。VoiceState是Discord.py中的一个对象,它代表了用户在语音频道中的状态。然而,VoiceState对象并没有直接的属性叫做"voice_channel"。 VoiceState对象有以下一些常用属性和方法: member:返回与该VoiceState相关联的成员对象。
我正在尝试在Discord中创建一个指向可点击音频通道的嵌入链接,例如这样: 单击以加入 但在MessageEmbed中,这段代码: if (message.member.voice.channelID== null) return message.channel.send("null"); "https://discord.commessage.guild.id + "/&q 浏览16提问于2021-02-27得票数 0 回答已采纳 ...
When you create this channel, you will be able to control who has access to participate in the channel. It’s safe and fun for everyone! Luckily, when you sign up for Discord, you get a voice channel pre-made for you. You can find this on your home screen (not in private messages...
If you plan on having large voice channel discussions, you can also turn on the Priority Speaker setting to make role members more easily heard. Apps permissions: These permissions dictate what this role can do with Discord apps, like the ones used for activities. Stage channel permissions: ...
To create a voice event on Discord: Launch Discord and open your server. Select the server name at the top of the screen. PressCreate Event. SelectVoice Channel. Click on the down arrow if you want to select a different voice channel for the event. ...
You can schedule an event in one of your text or voice channels by clicking the arrow next to your server name and choosing Create Event. Zapier can also take some of the load off when you're growing a Discord community. Try connecting it to your blog or shop to send a message ...
const Discord = require('discord.js'); const OpusDecoder = require('@discordjs/opus').Decoder; const client = new Discord.Client(); client.login('your-bot-token'); client.on('voiceStateUpdate', (oldState, newState) => { if (newState.channel) { const connection = newState.channel.jo...
When you create a channel, give it a name and choose whether it should be a text or voice channel. Channel names cannot contain spaces (typing a space just creates a hyphen) or capital letters. 创建频道时,请为其命名并选择是文字还是语音频道。 频道名称不能包含空格(键入空格只会创建连字符)或...