By using this plugin, you are able to give players the ability to chat in-game with players on your Discord server, as well as having people on the Discord server be able to chat with people in the minecraft server - This can be useful for players that still want to communicate with p...
Returns an array of all available foods in Minecraft from the bot's registry. Returns an object mapping food item names to their properties (e.g., saturation, foodPoints). Methods bot.autoEat.setOpts(opts: Partial<IEatUtilOpts>) Allows you to modify the configuration options for the auto-...
A Minecraft to Discord and back link plugin Thanks to: IntelliJ IDEA - The Leading Java and Kotlin IDE JProfiler's intuitive UI helps you resolve performance bottlenecks, pin down memory leaks and understand threading issues. Releases35
Discord bridging plugin for block game Topics minecraft bukkit spigot discord discord-bot bukkit-plugin jda hacktoberfest discordsrv Resources Readme License GPL-3.0, Unknown licenses found Activity Custom properties Stars 1k stars Watch...
Using different plugin/mod loader? This mod links your server (not client!) chat with a channel on your discord server. Dependencies This mod requires Fabric API and (if using pre 1.19.1 versions) Player Events Features Send chat messages from discord to minecraft and back /discord command ...
Simple Discord RPC is a simple and easy to use mod that allows you to display what you are doing in Minecraft on your Discord Status. This is useful for modpacks that want to advertise themselves, or for people who simply want a nicer way to show that they are playing Minecraft. This ...
Login Buy Nucker a cup of tea ☕ x 1 3 5 Support £1 About Nucker Creating minecraft Plugins, Discord bots and other cool things Hey, this is a way to support me! To contact me, add me on discord: Nucker#2021 Check out my website: ...
Right click the channel you want Minecraft chat to be on and click "Copy ID", then paste that to config Make sure the bot has permissions to read/send messages on the channel Set other settings and restart the server Warning: Reloading the server using the reload command while using this ...
FirewallRules: [UDP Query User{3D6936A1-6C43-4ECB-9803-1231BE8A9E0C}C:\program files (x86)\minecraft\runtime\jre-x64\bin\javaw.exe] => (Allow) C:\program files (x86)\minecraft\runtime\jre-x64\bin\javaw.exe FirewallRules: [TCP Query User{17320587-7A4E-40CA-86DD-3AA...
Synchronizes Minecraft in-game chat and Discord chat minecraft discord cli gakuto1112 •2.0.10•8 months ago•0dependents•MITpublished version2.0.10,8 months ago0dependentslicensed under $MIT 20 discbot-factory Discord chat bot pre-builded core. ...