Support for popular chat plugins (listed below) Highly customizable By using this plugin, you are able to give players the ability to chat in-game with players on your Discord server, as well as having people on the Discord server be able to chat with people in the minecraft server -...
For feature requests and other feedback please use the Discord server. Why "v2"? What happened with the original plugin? This plugin is a fork of the original Jetbrains Discord Integration plugin by Aljoscha Grebe (Almighty Alpaca). I started this fork because the original plugin was not ...
Before you begin, make sure you set a configenableServerPluginstotruein the config.yaml file of SillyTavern. Open a terminal in your SillyTavern directory, then run the following: cdplugins git clone ...
Hi! I am Tomoko, a Discord Bot for moderation, fun, levels, music and much more! discorddiscord-boteriseris-discorderis-discord-bot UpdatedApr 29, 2023 JavaScript parzival-space/discord-radio-bot Star21 Plays radio streams directly inside your Discord server. ...
Discord Nitro is an additional extra for Discord that can set you back some money monthly or yearly, but it's not worth it for everyone. ByAdam Conway Jul 8, 2024 If you don't already have one, a private Discord server is a great way to manage your time and projects ...
This one may be the best crypto Discord server for beginners looking to gain footing in the industry. Cryptohub specializes in guiding beginners in the right direction. Cryptohub provides information and updates from every corner of the crypto market. The server uses a huge range of plugins, li...
Plugins:ShowcaseStore Contact: Contact Jamal Andi Platform Re: Official discord server Quote #45 PostbyJamal Andi»16 Nov 2024, 14:29 Minako-Kunwrote:↑ 16 Nov 2024, 08:54 Bigvris111cvwrote:↑ 09 Nov 2022, 04:38 I got perm banned for saying Africans are Aliens but I'am not xenopho...
Join ServerRoblox Game View moreDiscord Servers Find the best Discord Bots We created Discord Bot List to help users find the very best Discord bots. Whether you're looking for a moderation bot, music bot, or just a bot to supply your server with fresh memes, finding one couldn't be eas...
Find the best discord plugins and themes, including support for Betterdiscord, BeautifulDiscord and more. is a central repository for the best discord plugins and themes.
With plugins, this particular Chrome extension for Discord brings a lot of features to the table. My favorite plugins are VC timer, Voice Chat Utilities, Who reacted, and Staff tags. Extending Discord’s Functionality While there are many Discord Chrome extensions that come in handy in different...