There are two commands that mee6 uses to delete texts. The first one is!clear @username. Just replace ‘username’ with the user whose messages you want to delete, and mee6 will do the magic! The second one is!clear [number of messages](ignore the brackets – you insert the number of...
Bots have limitations when it comes to batch size. Some can delete a maximum of 100 messages in one go, while others can cover a whopping 1,000 messages with a single command. The CleanChat Bot belongs to the former group, and the mighty MEE6 to the latter. Now, let’s move on to...
代码语言:txt 复制 @bot.command() async def copy_messages(ctx, channel_id: int, destination_channel_id: int): source_channel = bot.get_channel(channel_id) destination_channel = bot.get_channel(destination_channel_id) async for message in source_channel.history(limit=None): await destination...
律动BlockBeats 消息,5 月 19 日,Discord 机器人应用 Mee6 在其社交网站表示,系统没有技术漏洞,Mee6 被用来发布虚假信息是因为一名员工的帐户遭到入侵。该问题现已解决,我们已采取措施确保它不再发生。 律动此前报道,5 月 18 日,包括 Axie、CyberConnect、Moonbirds、PROOF、Memeland、RTFKT 在内的多个项目官方 ...
PANews 5月19日消息,据官方推特,Discord机器人应用Mee6表示,系统没有技术漏洞,Mee6被用来发布虚假信息是因为一名员工的帐户遭到入侵。该问题现已解决,我们已采取所有措施确保它不再发生。 此前昨日消息,Axie Discord主服务器上的Mee6机器人遭攻击发布虚假铸造链接,许多安装了Mee6机器人的服务器都发生了这种情况。Moon...
The developers managed to remove the compromised MEE6 bot from the main server and deleted the fake messages as well. However, the official Twitter account of the project warned that many users might still see the fake message until they restart their Discord. ...
It's worth noting that the bot cannot and will not read or send messages as you. How to use MEE6 as a Welcoming Bot in Discord (Image credit: TechRadar) Go to the MEE6 Dashboard and select the "Welcome" tab. Now when accessing the MEE6 website, you’ll be greeted with t...
you can set up different commands which will enable the system to automatically give or remove roles, send a message, send welcome messages, etc. Along with all this, with MEE6, you can also create a leveling system and set automated actions for the moderation of nefarious users. Setting up...
Anyhow, the automod can only delete or mute messages. If you prefer to ban the user completely, you have to do it manually. 5. For Reaction Roles Option on the Server The reaction roles feature is useful for users toself-assign their roles on your Discord serverinstead of an admin or ...
5、MEE6 MEE6的功能和Collab.Land有些相似,只是功能更多一些。随着Web3社区的Discord服务器人数从数十名成员扩展到数千名成员,执行手动验证、社区审核和成员激励等活动就会变得越来越耗时且难以管理。MEE6通过了一套游戏化解决方案,实现了入群验证、角色分配和消息回复自动化操作,让社区管理者轻松对多个Discord社区进行...