If left blank, bot will send DMs to reacts in all channels in the server. message_id string "your_messageId" Message ID of the message on which you want to send people DMs who react. If left blank, would send DMs to all messages in the channel. emoji string "emojiname:id" The ...
This will easily help bypass mass emoji reacts breaking the bot. max_dms_per_token int 0 Maximum DMs you want your tokens to send. Set to 0 for unlimited. Offset Offset is a duration in milliseconds. As the name suggests this offsets or displaces the goroutines (threads) by a short ...
I'm using the Discord Giveaway Bot. Once a day (or even more frequently) the Bot will announce a group of pets that are up for grabs. All you have to do isreactto that announcement by clicking the party popper emoji. 1. Go to the#contestschannel of the WarcraftPets Discord. ...
max_anti_raid_queueint20To ensure someone does not spam reactions to jam your bot and lock your instances, you can set the maximum queue size. Any reactions above this would be discarded. This will easily help bypass mass emoji reacts breaking the bot. ...
max_anti_raid_queueint20To ensure someone does not spam reactions to jam your bot and lock your instances, you can set the maximum queue size. Any reactions above this would be discarded. This will easily help bypass mass emoji reacts breaking the bot. ...