channel.send('[ERROR] Please enter a user to ban, this can be in the form of a mention or an ID.') if(!user) return`[ERROR] ${args[0]} is not a valid user, please enter a user to ban, this can be in the form of a mention or ID.`) if(!reason) ...
我的ID被koth外服ban了,上面显示解ban要去discord,然后ws***(这串数字记不得了),这个ws***是啥意思啊?是discord的房间号吗?还有我估计是因为玩了国服然后存档有问题被ban,能解ban吗,大佬快来救我。。 送TA礼物 来自Android客户端1楼2017-08-31 23:58回复 汪汪汪涛w...
Moderation tools (kick, ban, inspect, etc) QBCore commands included! Easy to expand and customize with modular commands! Can be configured with convars Automatic Ace Permission granting system Helpful exports bi-directional staff chat AND MORE!Setup...
literally the word `Russia` , the name of a freaking country , that is printed on very world map and gets trown at you by newscrew and politicians a thousend times a day. but you say maybe its not meant to ban the word , but to stop people from going offtopic and discussing the ... READ YOUR DEVICE ID! I have my reasons because the guy got sued and that's enough evidence for me to not use it! I hate reposting links.
Roles in Discord give users specific permissions. You could, for example, create a role for moderators and give that role the ability to ban users and delete messages. Any users you assign to that role would inherit those permissions. Using roles saves you from having to assign permissions to...
Generally, Discord disables accounts on the basis of violating their terms, and community guidelines. However, in case your account was disabled because of a ban wave, there is a high chance that it was falsely flagged. In this case, Discord is removing all the false flags, and you will ...
hackban, hakban –to ban users from an ID list. Also Read:How to Use FredBoat on Discord: Enhance Your Music Experience We hope now you know how to use Lewdbot on Discord by following the steps outlined in this guide. Do not hesitate to reach out to us in the comment section. Keep...
• You can soft-ban members on your server; temporary ban. • You can completely ban members on your server; this is permanent and undoable ban. • You can make announcements. • You can stream music and videos directly from YouTube. ...
id}/ban`, label: "Ban", style: ButtonStyle.Danger }), new ButtonBuilder({ customId: `manage/user/${}/timeout`, label: "Timeout", style: ButtonStyle.Danger }), new ButtonBuilder({ customId: `manage/user/${}/alert`, label: "Alert", style: ButtonStyle....