In addition, a system-wide ban completely restricts users from using Discord across all servers, including creating new accounts. It’s a measure to address severe harassment, hate speech, or other harmful activities. These are the two methods through which someone could face a ban on Discord. ...
If your old account has been banned from a server, you’ll definitely need a new one to be able to re-connect. Basically, you do not get unbanned per se, but you can access the Discord servers you were banned on with a new account. It is as if the ban was lifted. Keep in mind...
To ban someone on a Discord server, you must have banning privileges. These permissions can be adjusted by the owner of the server or anyone with moderation permissions in the Roles section of the Server Settings (right-click your server icon on the left bar). Entire roles can be assigned ...
What are the Common Reasons to Remove Someone From Discord Group? Knowing how to remove someone from the Discord group can be very useful. However, it is an administrative privilege that must be used carefully. There can be various reasons why someone might be removed from a Discord group: B...
If you suspect that you might be temporarily banned from a Discord server, there are several steps you can take to confirm your ban status: Check the Server Member List If you have mutual friends on the server, ask them to check the member list to see if your username is still listed....
You can use a VPN to bypass a ban on both Mac and PC computers. On a PC: If you’re using a PC, you’ll first need to remove all of your Discord data from the machine. It may look complicated, but don’t worry; just follow these simple steps: ... Discord channels are what make the Discord application entertaining. Be it a text channel chock full of memes
Moderation Commands to Use Arcane bot on Discord CommandsFunction /banThis will ban a discord member from your server temporarily or permanently /historyView a members moderation history. Shows warnings, mutes, kicks, and bans /kickKick a member from your discord server. ...
The thing about Discord bans is that you almost never get banned from the whole platform or any of its apps. Almost always, you get into a dispute with the mod of a given Discord server and they kick you out by issuing a ban on your account. To be fair, since the administrator of ...
an eye on the chat when you’re not there. Depending on the type of elevated access, the people you trust will be able tokick and banregular members from your server. As a rule of thumb, grant elevated access to your real friends and avoid letting an outsider into your leadership team...