(If you're still having sound issues,make sure you've got the right playback device selected in FxSound). How to Disable Exclusive Mode in Windows 10 1)Exit FxSound. 2) Exit any other 3rd party audio applications you're running. 3) Right click theSpeakericon in the Windows toolbar, an...
The Windows Update Group Policy we've applied to our Windows 10 machines is summarised below (there's a variety of versions from 1511 through to 1803, with some LTSB 2016 v1607 in the mix). We want WSUS to handle updates, so to ensure Dual Scan is not enabled, the 'Defer Upgrades an...
Colors disappeared in windows10 Coming out from S Mode in Windows 10 Command Line ISO Mount with Specific Drive letter Command line to create a new recovery partition Command to toggle between metered and unmetered on Ethernet connection Completely remove WPAD (Use of Windows Proxy Auto Discovery)...
I am on a Lenovo 300e 2nd gen running windows 11. Previously, the laptop would disable the keyboard the moment the device was opened more than 180 degrees, which was a helpful feature to me as I enjoy using the device in it's alternate ...
Finally, for the SetStablePowerState call to succeed, you need to have the Windows 10 SDK installed. With Windows 10 up to Version 1511, that’s all you need. But with more recent versions of Windows 10 (starting from the Anniversary Update), you also need to enab...
Could it be that because some users already using this method? What do I need to do to resolv this? heinzelrumpel Take this: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/graph/api/emailauthenticationmethodconfiguration-update?view=graph-rest-beta&tabs=http...
IE mode - Disabling the Pop-up Blocker not working Hi, I'm using Edge 90.0.818.66(64bit)on Windows 10 1803 x64. I set IE mode and created an XML file,a list of user defined websites and i found it works well. But the thing is, whenever i access one of the sites...
Threadripper 3970x), as I do not have spares of those. I've updated both BIOS's, cleared CMOS, set factory defaults many times, eventually wiped Windows 11 and attempted to re-install Windows, but found that it would freeze at around 92%, I tried Windows 10, and had ...
Can't load windows 10 after trying to disable optaneHi all. I hope someone can help me as i have no backup or windows recovery point available.So it all started when i saw my dell insperion 7391 2n1 was running slow while playing a game thats usually s...
This problem is resolved in the Kernel Mode Driver Framework (KMDF) version 1.9 and later. Kernel Mode Driver Framework (KMDF) version 1.9 is available in the Windows 7 version of the Windows Driver Kit (WDK). A KMDF-based USB device dr...