如何在Win10/11上永久禁用飞行模式 (How to Permanently Disable Airplane Mode on Windows 10) 飞行模式是一项允许您禁用设备上所有无线通信的功能。[1]如果您在飞机上使用笔记本电脑,它可能很有用,但在其他情况下可能会导致问题。虽然您可以在设置中禁用它,但用户可能会意外地重新打开它,或者错误可能会启用它。但...
按下“Win + R”组合键,打开“运行”对话框,输入“cmd”并回车,打开命令提示符窗口,这就像是进入了电脑的“秘密通道”。 在命令提示符窗口中输入“netsh firewall set opmode mode=disable”命令,然后按下回车键,稍等片刻,系统会提示操作成功,这就表示防火墙已经关闭了。 (二)Mac系统 1、通过系统偏好设置关闭 ...
Select “Allow” to enable IE mode. Select “Don’t allow” to disable IE mode. After changing the setting, please click[Restart]⑤to restart your browser for this setting change to take effect. How to use Internet Explorer mode AfterAllow sites to be reloaded in Internet Explorer mode (IE...
How to Disable Test Mode on Windows 11 Method 1: Disable test mode with "set testsigning off" command line Step 1:Click Search icon on taskbar and input "cmd" in search box. Choose Command Prompt from search results, and then select Run as administrator on the right, entering CMD panel....
Test mode Windows 7 build 7600Note This message may also mention a more specific edition of Windows. For example, the message may be, “Test mode Windows 8 Pro build 9200.” Cause This message is displayed because your computer is running in test mode. ...
Test mode Windows 7 build 7600Note This message may also mention a more specific edition of Windows. For example, the message may be, “Test mode Windows 8 Pro build 9200.” Cause This message is displayed because your computer is running in test mode. ...
Stealth mode is a core security feature. For any given configuration, stealth mode should stay enabled unless there is a strong, valid argument for disabling it. Stealth mode can be disabled by using any of the following methods: You can set theDisableStealthModekeyword in the Firewall configur...
When you enable Windows 11 hibernate mode, the system will power down, but can be quickly restarted. In our article, we show you how to do activate this mode.
Manage Developer Mode on Windows 10 using Group PolicyHi All, We’ve had a few folks want to know how to disable Developer Mode using Group Policy, but...Date: 09/22/2015Windows 10 Volume Activation TipsHi, Today’s blog is going to cover some tips around preparing your organization for...
In this article, we will show you how to disable exclusive mode in the Windows sound settings panel. Click here to learn more!