'ROLLBACK; GO DISABLE TRIGGER safety ON DATABASE; GO C. 禁用以同一作用域定义的所有触发器 下例禁用在服务器范围内创建的所有 DDL 触发器。 SQL USEAdventureWorks; GO DISABLE Trigger ALL ON ALL SERVER; GO
SELECT T.[name] as TableName, TR.[Name] as TriggerName, CASE WHEN 1=OBJECTPROPERTY(TR.[object_id], 'ExecIsTriggerDisabled') THEN 'Disabled' ELSE 'Enabled' END Status FROM sys.objects T INNER JOIN sys.triggers TR ON T.[object_id] = TR.parent_id WHERE (T.type = 'U' or T.type...
To disable a DDL or logon trigger with server scope (ON ALL SERVER), a user must have CONTROL SERVER permission on the server. To disable a DDL trigger with database scope (ON DATABASE), at a minimum, a user must have ALTER ANY DATABASE DDL TRIGGER permission in the current database...
DISABLE TRIGGER TR_Schema_Change ON DATABASE; DISABLE TRIGGER ALL ON dbo.Person; SELECT name, parent_class_desc, type_desc, is_disabled FROM sys.triggers; As you may have already noticed, I also added two select statements to the system view sys.triggers so you can see the effect of t...
--disable-triggers option has effect only when using --data-only. I cannot figure out why I shouldn't be allowed to disable triggers with a full database dump. In my case I want to restore data without triggers. What am I missing? postgresql Share Improve this question F...
请确保将database_name替换为你要操作的实际数据库名称。 3. 禁用触发器 一旦连接到数据库并选择了要操作的数据库,你就可以执行DISABLE TRIGGER语句来禁用触发器。以下是禁用触发器的代码示例: # 禁用触发器disable_trigger_query="DISABLE TRIGGER trigger_name ON table_name;"cursor=cnx.cursor()cursor.execute(...
inner join sys.triggers tr on o.object_id = tr.parent_id where o.[type] in ('U', 'V') order by o.name, s.name for xml path(''), type ) as varchar(max) ) + 'disable trigger all on database;'; exec (@sql); go Oleg Kari Suresh Hall of Fame Points: 3712 More actions...
Date: October 26, 2006 12:45PM Hello, I need to know how to disable or enable all triggers on all database, is for import massive data. Thanks a lot. And sorry for my english. Bye Ezequiel Sorry, you can't reply to this topic. It has been closed....
DISABLE TRIGGER { [ schema_name . ] trigger_name [ ,...n ] | ALL } ON { object_name | DATABASE | ALL SERVER } [ ; ] http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms189748(SQL.90).aspx followed by the inverse: ENABLE TRIGGER { [ schema_name . ] trigger_name [ ,...n ] | ...
postgres=# alter table t2 disable trigger all;ALTERTABLEpostgres=# 1. 2. 3. 这里看起来可能有点奇怪,但是它的确禁用了外键约束。如果有其他外键约束,当然也是被禁用了。 我们再来看看表t2: postgres=# \d t2Table"public.t2"Column|Type|Collation|Nullable|Default---+---+---+---+---a|integer|...