SQL复制 DISABLE Trigger ALL ON ALL SERVER; GO 另请参阅 ENABLE TRIGGER (Transact-SQL) ALTER TRIGGER (Transact-SQL) CREATE TRIGGER (Transact-SQL) DROP TRIGGER (Transact-SQL) sys.triggers (Transact-SQL) 反馈 此页面是否有帮助? 是否 提供产品反馈| ...
Constant to indicate and uninitialized token. (Inherited from TSqlFragment) Properties Tabelle erweitern All True if the modification is for all triggers. FirstTokenIndex Gets or sets the first index of the token. (Inherited from TSqlFragment) FragmentLength Defines the number of characte...
trigger_name Der Name des Triggers, der deaktiviert werden soll.ALL Gibt an, dass alle im Bereich der ON-Klausel definierten Trigger deaktiviert sind.Vorsicht SQL Server erstellt Trigger in Datenbanken, die für die Mergereplikation veröffentlicht werden. Die Angabe von ALL in veröff...
SQL Server creates triggers in databases that are published for merge replication. Specifying ALL in published databases disables these triggers, which disrupts replication. Verify that the current database is not published for merge replication before specifying ALL. object_name Is the name of the ...
trigger_name Is the name of the trigger to be disabled. ALL Indicates that all triggers defined at the scope of the ON clause are disabled. Warning SQL Server creates triggers in databases that are published for merge replication. Specifying ALL in published databases disables these triggers, ...
Transact-SQL syntax conventions Syntax syntaxsql DISABLETRIGGER{ [schema_name. ]trigger_name[ ,...n ] |ALL}ON{object_name|DATABASE|ALLSERVER} [ ; ] Arguments schema_name Is the name of the schema to which the trigger belongs.schema_namecannot be specified for DDL or logon triggers. ...
$task.Triggers Enabled:True EndBoundary:ExecutionTimeLimit:Id:Repetition:MSFT_TaskRepetitionPattern StartBoundary:Delay:PT30S UserId:PSComputerName: Or do you mean that every object has a corresponding trigger inWMI MSFT_TaskLogonTrigger object?
The principle is the same as forTriggers, it's just that theSettings.Enableddescribes the job as a whole rather thanTriggers.Enabledthat returns the status of each trigger in the Triggers array.
DISABLETRIGGER[ trigger_name|ALL|USER] ENABLETRIGGER[ trigger_name|ALL|USER] ENABLE REPLICATRIGGERtrigger_name ENABLE ALWAYSTRIGGERtrigger_name 细节(注意触发器被触发还受制于session_replication_role参数与replica|always的配置。) These forms configure the firing of trigger(s) belonging to the table. A...
Setting the configuration is asynchronous and would trigger the operation. The operation would run in background and user need to check/wait for completion. No MDL lock protection and concurrency with other operations must be handled otherwise....