1.您先修改BIOS内的这两项。Security->Secure Boot Control->Disabled Boot->Launch CSM->Enabled 2.开机按ESC键打开启动项列表,选择UEFI开头的U盘、光盘启动项,安装WIN8系统。3.如果您目前已经是GPT分区的WIN8系统,您可以在WIN8系统内运行WIN7系统安装程序,将WIN7系统安装到非WIN8系统所在的分...
开机按【ESC】键,选择从 U盘 启动。
1.重启按esc进入BIOS设置,然后按F7进入高级模式设置,2.进入高级模式后,按→方向键移动到Security,选择Secure Boot,然后回车进入;3.然后把Secure Boot control选enabled改为disabled关闭安全启动;4.最后,按F10保存重启即可。
5.刚开机出现ASUS图标时疯狂按F2键,进入BIOS页面,选择Secure菜单-将Secure Boot Control选项设定为Disable。 (注意:使用方法5需要关闭方法4中的启用快速启动) 6.此方法有争议:进入BIOS页面后-Boot-将Lunch CSM设置为Enable;或者将Lunch CSM设置为Disable后,将Fast Boot设置为Enable。亲测似乎第一个设置更快一些。
Enter the [Security]② screen, and then select [Secure Boot]③. After entering Secure Boot, select [Secure Boot Control]④, then adjust the setting you wish⑤.Note: Setting to 「Enabled」 will activate Secure Boot; setting to 「Disable」 will deactivate Secure Boot.Note: The Secure Boot st...
Secure】菜单,通过方向键选择【Secure Boot Control】选项,将其设定为“Disabled”,按F10保存退出;2.然后再开机按 F2 键进入BIOS界面,通过方向键进入【Boot】菜单,通过方向键选择【Lunch CSM】选项,将其设定为“Enabled”;3.点击F10保存设置,重启系统,开机时点击ESC选择USB***启动项即可。
Boot Modes Golden Image Search Fallback Boot Image Format I/O Configuration Detection 4-bit I/O Detection 8-bit I/O Detection Functional Units Secure Stream Switch CSU DMA Loopback Mode PL Configuration PCAP Isolation Wall Control CSU BootROM Error Codes PL Bitstream Regist...
I used OpenSuse on mine so I boot OpenSuse, Debian or W10. How to Disable Secure Boot You can control Secure Boot from your UEFI Firmware Settings screen. To access this screen, you’ll need to access the boot options menu in Windows 8. To do this, open the Settings charm — ...
Does it make Windows 10 less secure? I read somewhere that without this option enabled malicious software, adware, spyware, virus, rootkit, trojan, keylogger, ransomware, worm, etc. can gain control of my PC like in other legacy and deprecated Windows. So now when I boot i...