1. Power on the system and press [Delete] key to enter BIOS [Advanced Mode] as below picture 2. Click [Boot] as below picture 3. Click [Secure Boot] option as below picture 4. OS Type Default is Other OS Other OS: Secure Boot state is off Windows UEFI mode: Secure Boot state is...
Please refer to the following steps based on the BIOS screen of your device: How to Enable or Disable Secure Boot in the UEFI mode In the UEFI interface, you can navigate and confirm using the Arrow Keys and Enter key on the keyboard, Touchpad, or Mouse. Note: The BIOS configuration ...
After entering Secure Boot, select[Secure Boot Control]④, then adjust the setting you wish⑤. Note: Setting to 「Enabled」 will activate Secure Boot; setting to 「Disable」 will deactivate Secure Boot. Note: The Secure Boot state (Active or Not Active) displayed on the screen cannot be cha...
How to Enable or Disable Secure Boot in the UEFI mode In the UEFI interface, you can navigate and confirm using the Arrow Keys and Enter key on the keyboard, Touchpad, or Mouse. Note: The BIOS configuration screen below may vary slightly depending on the model. After entering the BIOS uti...
最新的品牌机,预装了Windows 10系统的,BIOS中可能开启了Secure Boot用于保护预装的系统不被修改,这会导致不能安装其它操作系统,也可能导致要更改系统底层的加密系统无法安装。 遇到这种情况,将Secure Boot关闭(改为Disable)即可。但有些机器BIOS中Secure Boot项是变灰的无法更改。本文讲述如何处理这种变灰的Secure Boot...
可以参考以下步骤:1、开机点按F2进入BIOS中,在security选项卡中选择secure boot menu,secure boot control按Enter选择Disable,按F10保存;2、电脑重启后,点按F2进入BIOS中,在boot选项卡中选择Launch CSM,按Enter选择Enable,按F10保存;3、重新开机点按esc选择启动项,选择对应的启动方式。
How to Disable Secure Boot If your PC doesn't allow third-party software, that means Secure Boot mode is functional. You can follow these steps to disable it. Step 1.Before disabling, check the latest updates of the Secure Boot system. It will show an updated list of software, graphic ...
How to disable Secure Boot quickly The method for disabling Secure Boot may vary slightly depending on the manufacturer of your computer. However, the course of action for disabling Secure Boot is almost the same for all computers. First, enter the UEFI setup. Press the Power button and, once...
笔记本电脑预装的正版操作系统吧,想要优盘启动改装系统,需要修改的BIOS项目:第一,安全启动选项Secure Boot。此项目必须设置为disabled,且必须首先首先修改。第二,BOOT页面的CSM项目,必须设置为Enabled。完成上述修改后,就可以按通常方式使用优盘安装系统了。
Once you're on the UEFI utility screen, move toBoottab on the top menu. Use the arrow key to go toSecure Bootoption and then Use+or–to change its value toDisable. Note:Depending on the motherboard's BIOS/ UEFI firmware, theSecure Bootoption will be found on the "Boot", "Security...