DISsimulationnetworkThe main idea of dead reckoning algorithm is introduced in this paper. Based on the analysis of the factors which affect the performance of dead reckoning algorithm, an software tool, the dead reckoning algorithm evaluation tool is designed. The tool can be used easily and ...
, thecomparisonbe tweenthenewDRalgorithmandcommonDRalgorithmsisdescribedandthesimulationresultisgiv enattheendofthispaper. Keywords deadreckoning ; electricnetworks ; loads ; distributedinteractivesimulation ; DRal gorithms 0 9 2 北京航空航天大学学报 1998 年相关...
If there's a tank with a complex shape, then a bounding volume might be a box large enough to completely contain the tank. It's useful for creating a computationally efficient algorithms that discover things like entity collisions, and for certain graphics calculations relating to view frustums...
algorithms fordif危tententitiesinthe system areselected respectivelyby theabove analysis result. Keywords:DIS(Distributed Interactive Simulation) Simulation Data Management, Time Coherence,ClockSynchronization,DeadReckoning Model ¨ 华中科技大学硕士学位论文 ...