Dubliners.DirtyOldTown. 都柏林. 肮脏的老镇. ... .Dirtyoldtown,Dirtyoldtown. Clouds are drifting, Across the moon. Cats are prowling, on their beat. Spring-s-a girl, From the streets at night.Dirtyoldtown ... 歌词 TheDubliners.DirtyOldTown. 在都柏林. 肮脏的老镇. ...
歌词:Dubliners. Dirty Old Town. 演奏者: Dubliners歌曲: Dirty Old TownI met my love,By the gas works wall.Dreamed a dream,By the old canal.I kissed my girl,By the factory wall.Dirty old town,Dirty old town.Clouds are drifting,Across the moon.Cats are prowling,on their beat.Spring-s...
歌词:The Dubliners. Dirty Old Town. 演奏者: The Dubliners歌曲: Dirty Old TownI met my love,By the gas works wall.Dreamed a dream,By the old canal.I kissed my girl,By the factory wall.Dirty old town,Dirty old town.Clouds are drifting,Across the moon.Cats are prowling,on their beat...