dirty old town, dirty old town, Am7 C/G C Fmaj7/C they've got all your little problems clearly written down. Am7 C/G C Fmaj7/C but you don't even know, and you can't even see Am7 C/G C Fmaj7/C Oh the butterfly that you're going to be, Am7 C/G C Fmaj7/C Oh the ...
Dirty old town Dirty old town I'm going to make me a good sharp axe Shining steel tempered in the fire Will chop you down like an old dead tree Dirty old town Dirty old town
Rick Blaine (Humphrey Bogart) is an American expatriate running a café-saloon-gambling hall in French Morocco during World War II. The local police captain, Louis Renault (Claude Rains), keeps tabs on Rick. He allows him to stay open because Rick refuses to take sides in the war, but mo...
道具的好H..- - 网站名:妄想Pulse(DELUSION PULSE)游戏地址: 1.Flash:http://www.globetown.net/~garon/m_pulse/main.html 2.jaba Applet:http://www.globetown.net/~garon/m_pulse/main.html 网站名:dirtysmile.ne(这里的游戏很可爱……= =) 游戏地址: 1.http://www.ankohouse.com/j/Game3/u_...
Dirty old [F#m]town, [B7] dirty old [C#m]town. The moon is shifting behind a cloud, Cats are crawling all along the beat, Springs a girl in the streets at night. Dirty old town, dirty old town. I heard a whistle coming from the docks ...
lonely nights up town A C# don't let them bring us down, no verse 3 how can they be tired of london? the sense in the air on a warm day generation of hope that sees better days but moving slong in the same old ways verse 4 ...