I recently purchased Deathwing Enhanced Editionon steam and when I tried to play it I received a message saying: Error The following component(s) are required to run this program: DirectX Runtime I’ve seen a few threads about this issue on other games and they mention going into the _Com...
换win7就这样了DirectX runtime可能出错误了,无法继续进行游戏 分享1赞 逆战吧 冰霜领主♂ 在进入逆战是提示directx runtime错误 分享回复赞 逆战吧 拔剑留落樱💘 逆战DirectX runtime错误删了显卡驱动在官网重新下了也不行,浏览器搜过无数方法都不行,求助贴吧的大爹们 分享369 仙剑奇侠传吧 free冻结的时光 显示...
Some Valorant players may be unable to run Valorant on their PC due to DirectX Runtime error. This error usually pops up when there’s a missing software component in the system, or when the current software version is not up-to-date. Below are the known reasons for Valorant DirectX run...
有点想玩小小梦魇2,..有点想玩小小梦魇2,然后看到有demo打算先下来试试,然后发现打不开,显示directx runtime,电脑的directx是12的,我看配置只要11,现在我该怎么弄,求助大佬们,谢谢了
steam游戏gmod运行时无法运行。说什么directX runtime和C++2015 runtime? 应该是缺少运行组件,目前主流的大型游戏都会需要一些动态链接库的支持,缺失这些文件会导致游戏无法运行,建议你在网上查询一下相关信息,一般都会有解决办法;如果是很明显的告诉你缺失了什么文件
/ws/SB-lowprio/UE4/Engine/Source/Runtime/VulkanRHI/Private/VulkanQueue.cpp:71 with error VK_...
Missing DirectX runtime libraries: The error occurs because DirectX is outdated on your PC or missing runtime libraries. Your PC doesn’t meet all a game’s system requirements: If this error arises for a new game you’ve just downloaded, your PC might not meet all its system requirements...
file.is_open()) { throw std::runtime_error("failed to open file!"); } size_t fileSize = (size_t)file.tellg(); std::vector<char> buffer(fileSize); file.seekg(0); file.read(buffer.data(), fileSize); file.close(); return buffer;};// 声明句柄D3D12_SHADER_BYTECODE vsBytecode...
可以访问微软官方网站下载并安装最新的DirectX Runtime Libraries,确保系统支持所有必要的图形API。如果已经安装的是最新版本,但仍然出现错误,大家可以尝试使用DirectX修复工具进行修复或者卸载后重新安装。 解决方法3、更新显卡驱动 如果显卡驱动版本过旧,也可能出现EAFG36 DirectX Error报错、DX报错等问题。建议玩家们前往显...