有点想玩小小梦魇2,..有点想玩小小梦魇2,然后看到有demo打算先下来试试,然后发现打不开,显示directx runtime,电脑的directx是12的,我看配置只要11,现在我该怎么弄,求助大佬们,谢谢了
steam游戏gmod运行时无法运行。说什么directX runtime和C++2015 runtime? 应该是缺少运行组件,目前主流的大型游戏都会需要一些动态链接库的支持,缺失这些文件会导致游戏无法运行,建议你在网上查询一下相关信息,一般都会有解决办法;如果是很明显的告诉你缺失了什么文件
Hi, my new HP laptop just had this problem every time RTSS starts. I've tried installing Directx End-Use Runtime Web Installer but it fails (log says...
For a properly written application, the latest VC++ runtime is all you need. Unfortunately, there's poorly written apps and app installers which aren't future-proofed. Therefore I keep updated 2008, 2010, 2013, 2015-22 versions around to prevent them from installing ra...
In addition, the dependencies and required checks may change in each new version of the D3DX runtime. The code to check correctly and repair broken installs all exists in the installer and running it is a guarantee that the correct binaries will exist when you run the game and prevents ...
我进不去游戏啊有没有人遇到没有安装最新版本的DirectX 请下载并安装最新版本的DirectX End Runtime、、、 分享232 重装系统软件吧 小白一键装机 Windows10系统上运行DirectX 12将改善缩水游戏 Windows10全新系统的到来,使得微软在各方面都是不遗余力,其中就包括了将会重视游戏这一方面,而且还将其视为今后发展到新...
电脑爱好者朋友通常会在某款游戏最低配置要求以及某些显卡上看到有DirectX字样,一般DirectX有:Direct 9.0、Direct 10(简称DX9、DX10)以及时下最新的Direct 11(简称DX11),很多朋友对于一些游戏中最低要求的DirectX版本很疑惑,也不知道为什么越来越多游戏都需要Direct 10以上,甚至Direct 11版本要求。那么DX11是什么呢?又...
Download DirectX End-User Runtime Web Installer Roll back your graphics card driver Update your graphics card driver Fix 1: Download DirectX End-User Runtime Web Installer As the error message indicated, the issue is related with the DirectX function, so one of the possible solutions is to dow...
CPU based fallback path is chosen. We heard from developers that it would be beneficial to understand which decompression path is being used so that default texture resolution settings may be set based on this. To enable this, we added a new API for querying what path the runtime has ...