At the gate voltages at which the current is at the maximum current, a significant decrease in the current shot noise is observed.Christopher A, MerchantNina MarkovicProceedings of the 53rd Annual Conference on Magnetism & Magnetic Materials, Part 2 and Part 3C.A. Merchant, N. Markovi´c,...
Shot-Noise in a Quantum Dot as a Spin-current Diode In the Coulomb blockade regime this system displays a spin-diode effect (1,2), which has recently been probed in a carbon nanotube based quantum dot (2). Our calculation shows that the shot-noise provides a robust signature for ... ...
The contributions of Johnson noise and shot noise to the noise in a tunnel diode are analyzed according to a simple theoretical model. The current stream flowing across the junction in one direction is assumed to be uncorrelated with that flowing across the junction in the opposite direction, and...
二极管(无论是 vacuum 真空二极管还是 semiconductor 半导体二极管)均可用作散粒噪声发生器。 3. Current-voltage characteristic (电流-电压特性) Breakdown (反向击穿); Reverse bias (反向偏压); Forward bias (正向偏压) https://en.wikipedia...
(or signal current). Dark current shot noise (I N(SHOT) ) is normally given by i N(SHOT) = (2⋅q⋅B⋅I D ) ½ , for a PIN detector, where B is the system bandwidth. This differs for an APD however, as bulk leakage current, I DB , is multiplied by the gain, ...
While both thermal noise and dark-current noise are independent of the signal optical power, shot noise is directly proportional to the signal optical power. Shot noise is intrinsically associated with the statistical nature of photodetection process, which imposes the fundamental limit on the electric...
The results indicate that under certain conditions of space-charge limitation, the noise convection current may be larger than full shot noise, whereas under other conditions reduction by as much as a factor of four may be obtained. When the results of this work are applied to the noise-...
As a result, a reverse leakage current was reduced over four orders of magnitude with an improved breakdown voltage up to 4 kV with a low differential specific on-resistance Rsp of 2.8 mΩ cm2. Ohta et al. proposed an insertion of an un-doped layer at a p–n junction interface in ...
Avalanche photodiode detectors (APD) have and will continue to be used in many diverse applications such as laser range finders, data communications or photon correlation studies. This paper discusses APD structures, critical performance parameter and excess noise factor.For low-light detection in the...
Since the shot noise from the dark current is the major contribution to the total noise in the photodetectors or photodiodes, the specific detectivity D* is calculated by D* 5 RA1/2/ (2eId)1/2, where R is the photoresponsivity, A is the illuminated area of n-Si/MoS2, and Id is the...