Diodes are a common part ofconsumer electronics. These have made our lives easier and today our most of the routine activities include diodes. These are simple components of electronics. The role of adiodeis to allow the flow of current only in one path and it stops the current flowing othe...
You mustlog inorcreate an account(free!) to answer a question. Log inCreate an account Ask a Question Anyone can ask a question. Did you already search (see above) to see if a similar question has already been answered? If you can't find the answer, you mayask a question. ...
Take another piece of wire, 10 to 20 feet (3 to 6 meters) long, and connect one end of it to the other end of the diode. This wire is your antenna. Lay it out on the ground, or hang it in a tree, but make sure the bare end does not touch the ground. Connect the two lead...
the device will not be able to handle the current and it will be 0 VDC. If this is the case, fix the short. Once you do, if it still does not work, the chip may have been damaged because of the short and will need to be replaced. ...
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This creates an insulating layer in the middle of the diode called the depletion zone. © HowStuffWorks A diode is the simplest sort of semiconductor device. Broadly speaking, a semiconductor is a material with a varying ability to conduct electrical current. Most semiconductors are made of ...
the other can be easily post-regulated down to the desired output voltage. For our isolatedgate driver power supplyexample, the negative rail output current is lower than the positive rail current; thus, a Zener diode with a general purpose NPN bipolar transistor regulator solution can be used ...
You can also leave HWMonitor on while use your computer to see if the CPU (and maybe GPU) temperature spikes at certain points. If you can find the pattern for the temperature spike, like if the spike is caused by a certain software or service, then it’s very likely the culprit for...
The standard film format did not have enough room for more than two optical tracks, but it was possible to squeeze as many as six magnetic tracks around the film frame. (See How Movie Sound Works to find out how optical and magnetic soundtracks work.) In the stereophonic system, three to...
It is often necessary to know how to measure current using a multimeter. Current measurements are easy to make, but they are done in a slightly different way to the way in which voltage and other measurements are made.However current measurements often need to be made to find out whether a...