Vertex::new); } /** * 添加节点和边 * @param source 源节点 * @param target 目标节点 * @param weight 边的权重 */ public void addEdge(String source, String target, Integer weight) { Vertex sourceVertex = getOrCreateVertex(source); Vertex targetVertex = getOrCreateVertex(target); source...
self.graph[source].append((destination, weight)) else: self.graph[source] = [(destination, weight)] 接下来,我们实现 Dijkstra 算法的函数。该函数接受图对象、源节点和目标节点作为参数,并返回从源节点到目标节点的最短路径。 def dijkstra(graph, source, target): # 初始化距离字典,将所有节点距离设置为...
* @param edges List of tuple representation of edges containing [source, target weight]. * @param N The graph contains nodes from 1 to N. * @param s Start node of the shortest path tree * @return Shortest path from s to other nodes in the graph. */publicMap<Integer,Integer>dijkstra...
source = 1; bellmen_ford(); printf("%d\n",dis[n]); } return 0; } 四、使用spfa算法来解决。 思想:用于求单源最短路径,能够适用于负边权的情况。spfa(Shortest Path Faster Algorithm)算法事实上不是什么非常难理解的算法。它仅仅是bellman-ford的队列优化而已。
终点:用于return dis[target]中的target 边的信息:用于初始化map[][] 5、算法执行过程分析 如图:求0点到其他点的最短路径。 (1)开始时,s1={v0},s2={v1,v2,v3,v4},v0到各点的最短路径是{0,10,&,30,100};(2)在还未进入s1的顶点之中,最短路径为v1,因此s1={v0,v1},由于v1到v2有路径,因...
(g));5960//choose source and target61vertex_descriptor src =vertex(A, g);62vertex_descriptor targ =vertex(C, g);636465try{66dijkstra_shortest_paths(g, src,67predecessor_map(&p[0]).distance_map(&d[0]).visitor(target_visit(targ,68on_examine_vertex()));69}70catch( ... ) {71}7273...
FOREIGN KEY (source_node_id) REFERENCES Nodes(node_id), FOREIGN KEY (target_node_id) REFERENCES Nodes(node_id) ); 二、初始化节点距离和前驱节点表 在Dijkstra算法中,我们需要记录每个节点的当前最短距离和到达该节点的最短路径的前驱节点。这可以通过创建一个名为NodeStatus的表来实现。
if(nearest == this.targetNode) { return; } Map, Integer> childs = nearest.getChilds(); for (Maps.Nodechild : childs.keySet()) { if (open.contains(child)) {// 如果子节点在open中 Integer newCompute = path.get(nearest) + childs.get(child); ...
if(nearest == this.targetNode) { return; } Map<Maps.Node<T>, Integer> childs = nearest.getChilds(); for (Maps.Node<T> child : childs.keySet()) { if (open.contains(child)) {// 如果子节点在open中 Integer newCompute = path.get(nearest) + childs.get(child); ...