/** * 返回从v--->到target的最短路径 */ int dijkstra(int v){ int i; for(i = 1 ; i <= n ; ++i){//初始化 s[i] = 0;//一开始,所有的点均为被访问过 dis[i] = map[v][i]; } dis[v] = 0; s[v] = true; for(i = 1 ; i < n ; ++i){ int min = inf; int p...
target = path[i+1] edge_data = G.get_edge_data(source, target) # 获取边缘属性 weight = edge_data['weight'] # 获取权重属性 distance = edge_data['distance'] # 获取距离属性 print(f"Edge from {source} to {target}: weight={weight}, distance={distance}") 上述代码中,我们首先创建了一...
Source:1 Target:2 Distance:90 Path:1-->3-->5-->2 === === Source:1 Target:3 Distance:40 Path:1-->3 === === Source:1 Target:4 Distance:60 Path:1-->3-->4 === === Source:1 Target:5 Distance:70 Path:1-->3-->5 ===...
int target; /** * 返回从v--->到target的最短路径 */ int dijkstra(int v){ int i; for(i = 1 ; i <= n ; ++i){//初始化 s[i] = 0;//一開始,全部的点均为被訪问过 dis[i] = map[v][i]; } for(i = 1 ; i < n ; ++i){ int...
* Given a list of (source, target, weight) edge pairs, return the shortest distance from s to any * other nodes in the graph. Any unreachable node has a distance of Integer.MAX_VALUE. * @param edges List of tuple representation of edges containing [source, target weight]. ...
}while(SetCard !=Vertex);for(p =1; p <= Vertex; p++)if(p !=Source) { fout<<"===\n"; fout<<"Source:"<< Source <<"\nTarget:"<< p <<'\n';if(Dist[p] ==MaxNum) { fout<<"Distance:"<<"Infinity\n"; fout<<"Path:No Way!"; }else...
source node:'); disp(dist); % 输出最短路径信息 function pathTo = reconstructPath(pred, target) pathTo = target; while pred(target) ~= -1 target = pred(target); pathTo = [target, pathTo]; end end disp('Shortest paths from source node:'); for i = 1:numNodes if i ~= source ...
d.execute(s,source,target); p1 = d.shortestPath(target);if((int)p1.size() <=1) {return0; } sum = sum + (int) p1.size(); p1.clear();returnsum; } 开发者ID:Trindad,项目名称:algorithms-to-find-link-disjoint-paths,代码行数:54,代码来源:WorstBalancedPathEdge.cpp ...