Digital Twin/数字孪生 参考消息网9月4日报道(文/涂颀)digital twin(数字孪生或数字映射)是对一个物理实体如对象、人物、系统或过程的虚拟表示(virtual representation)。根据麦肯锡咨询公司网站的解释,它的创建旨在模拟和分析现实世界的对应物,从而实现监测、优化和预测分析(It is created to simulate and analyze t...
数字孪生是某一对象或系统整个生命周期的虚拟再现,根据实时数据进行更新,并利用模拟、机器学习和推理来辅助决策。 1、数字孪生的工作原理是什么? 数字孪生是一种旨在精确反映物理对象的虚拟模型。 会给研究对象(例如,风力涡轮机)配备与重要功能方面相关的各种传感器。 这些传感器产生与物理对象性能各个方面有关的数据,例...
数字孪生,英文名叫Digital Twin(数字双胞胎),也被称为数字映射、数字镜像。 它的官方定义非常复杂,是这么说的: 数字孪生,是充分利用物理模型、传感器更新、运行历史等数据,集成多学科、多物理量、多尺度、多概率的仿真过程,在虚拟空间中完成映射,从而反映相对应的实体装备的全生命周期过程。 看晕了吧?其实,简单来说...
A digital twin is a replica of the digital world. AVEVA's digital twin software and technology enables you to leverage data from your asset and operational lifecycles to allow new ways of work.
Discover the power of digital twins for the built environment. Explore how IES Digital Twin technology can be used to improve building performance at...
A digital twin is a 3D model of a physical entity like a building or city, but with live, continuous data updating its functions and processes in real time, providing a means for analyzing and optimizing a structure. When live data from the physical system is fed to the digital replica, ...
A digital twin is a virtual representation of a physical product or process, used to understand and predict the physical counterpart’s performance characteristics. Digital twins are used to simulate, predict and optimize the product and production system before investing in physical prototypes. ...
Digital Twin的目标 ① 虚实深度融合和以虚控实: 产品数字孪生体的思想之一就是在虚拟空间为物理空间的每个产品实体建立一个数字复制品,并采用建模和仿真分析等手段,通过产品数字孪生体来模拟和反映对应物理产品的状态和行为,并预测和控制对应物理产品未来的状态和行为,也就是以虚控实。