大概的意思是说,双胞胎是指两个人,即双胞胎兄弟或双胞胎姐妹,对应的英文单词应该是Twins,Twin则是指双胞胎中的一个,所以应该叫孪生。 其实孪生这个词在中文里也少见单独使用,多数情况下和兄弟、姐妹连用,如孪生兄弟、孪生姐妹等。不过单从词义的准确性上讲,用数字孪生对应Digital Twin,确实比数字双胞胎更合理些。 联...
Easily model and create digital representations of connected environments with an open modeling language. Model buildings, factories, farms, energy networks, railways, stadiums—even entire cities. Bring these digital twins to life with a live execution environment that historizes twin changes over time...
In practice, digital twin modeling often involves a combination of CAD software and simulation software. CAD software is used to create the geometric representation of the physical asset, while simulation software is used to simulate the behavior and performance of the digital twin. The integration ...
Digital twin modeling: a bridge between the physical and virtual worlds The digital twinning process includes iterative operations to provide a data flow between physical and digital domains. The sequence of these operations, or DT lifecycle, is called a digital thread. ...
Aiming at the problems of backward calibration method of smoke alarm, low production efficiency and difficult real-time monitoring, a digital twin system modeling and monitoring method of smoke alarm calibration is proposed. First, through the analysis of smoke alarm calibration requirements, the overal...
Software modeling and design: UML, use cases, patterns, and software architectures, Cambridge University Press (2011) Google Scholar Grieves, 2014 Grieves, M. (2014). Digital twin: Manufacturing excellence through virtual factory replication. URL http://www.apriso.com. Google Scholar Group, 2013 ...
Modeling the effects of architectural interiors on real-time human behavior In an innovative proof of concept, the architectural and engineering firm Gresham Smith is using a digital twin to fuse ambient environmental data—such as temperature, humidity, and light levels—with human heart rate and ...
Systematic review of centrifugal valving based on digital twin modeling towards highly integrated lab-on-a-disc systems Abstract Current, application-driven trends towards larger-scale integration (LSI) of microfluidic systems for comprehensive assay automation and multiplexing pose significant technological ...
digital twinsystem integrationadditive manufacturinginjection moldingIndustry 4.0OPTIMIZATIONPREDICTIONIn traditional injection molding, each level of the process has its own monitoring and improvement initiatives. But in the upcoming industrial revolution, it is important to establish connections and communication...
Pay for only what you need See Azure Digital Twins pricing Get started with an Azure free account 1 Start free.Get $200 credit to use within 30 days. While you have your credit, get free amounts of many of our most popular services, plus free amounts of 55+ other services that are ...